N95 Disposable - Horizontal Fold Flat Masks Fine Dusts, Fibres, Aqueous Mists and Oil based mists plus Nuisance Odours and Organic Vapours below the OEL, also most suitable for certain welding applications if odour is a problem. Latex free. Please insert the following three digit number in place of the dashes into the code of your required Mask to indicate your size selection: 101 Small/Medium, 201 Medium/Large Product Code Description N95 Horizontal Fold Flat BEA914- - N95 321 000 N95 Horizontal Fold Flat BEB914- -000 N95 Valved 322 N95 Horizontal Fold Flat N95 Odour BEB934- -000 323 Valved N95 Disposable Respirators - Flexinet Fine Dusts, Fibres, Aqueous Mists and Oil based mists plus Nuisance Odours and Organic Vapours below the OEL, also most suitable for certain welding applications if odour is a problem. Latex free. Please insert the following three digit number in place of the dashes into the code of your required Mask to indicate your size selection: 101 Small/Medium, 001 Medium, 201 Medium/Large Product Code Description Flexinet 822 BER912- -000 N95 Valved Flexinet 823 BER932- -000 N95 Odor Valve Flexinet 821 BEQ912- -000 N95 N95 Disposable Respirators - Moulded Mask N95 Disposable Respirators: Fine Dusts, Fibres, Aqueous Mists and Oil based mists. N95 (Odour): Fine Dusts, Fibres, Aqueous Mists and Oil based mists plus Nuisance Odours and Organic Vapours below the OEL, also most suitable for certain welding applications if odour is a problem. Latex free. Please insert the following three digit number in place of the dashes into the code of your required Mask to indicate your size selection: 101 Small/Medium, 001 Medium, 201 Medium/Large