The S1C40070VWJAC is a 4.007MHz 16pF ±20ppm HC-49S Crystals ROHS manufactured by JYJE, which is an electronic part used for various electronic applications. This part features a robust, low-jitter frequency-stabilizing crystal, which makes it ideal for use in precision timing applications such as microprocessor systems and communication equipment. This crystal is manufactured using a highly efficient, surface mount-processing technology, and is compliant with EU RoHS requirements. It offers a high level of stability over a wide temperature range from -40 to +85°C, and it has a tolerance of ±20ppm over the above temperature range. This crystal also has an extended life guranteed by its high thermal shock resistance of 500 cycles. Additionally, this crystal has a maximum soldering temperature of 260°C, and all components used have been passed with a maximum peak temperature of 235°C compliant.