Snap-In Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
ALC40, +105C
Overview Applications
KEMET's ALC40 Series of snap-in capacitors features the
KEMET's ALC40 capacitors are suited for high reliability
same high ripple currents and long-life characteristics as
and long life applications such as frequency converters,
the ALC10 Series but can operate at higher temperatures.
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems and switch
mode power supplies (SMPS). The extended temperature
range allows increased ripple currents at lower
Compact size
, I applied)
Long life, up to 9,000 hours at +105C (V
High ripple current
Excellent surge voltage capability
Optimized designs available upon request
Part Number System
ALC40 A 822 BB 025
Series Termination Capacitance Code (F) Size Code Rated Voltage (VDC)
Snap-In See Termination Table First two digits See Dimension Table 025 = 25 250 = 250
Aluminum represent significant 040 = 40 350 = 350
Electrolytic figures. Third digit 063 = 63 400 = 400
specifies number of 100 = 100 450 = 450
zeros. 200 = 200 500 = 500
One world. One KEMET
KEMET Electronics Corporation KEMET Tower One East Broward Boulevard A4026_ALC40 4/23/2020 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USA 954-766-2800 www.kemet.comSnap-In Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors ALC40, +105C
Performance Characteristics
Item Performance Characteristics
Capacitance Range 47 120,000 F
Rated Voltage 25 500 VDC
Operating Temperature 40 to +105C
Storage Temperature Range 55 to +105C
Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 100 Hz/+20C
Rated Voltage and Ripple Rated Voltage at +105C
D (mm)
Current at +105C (hours) (hours)
25 6,000 10,000
Operational Lifetime
30 7,000 11,000
35 8,000 13,000
40 50 9,000 14,000
End of Life Requirement C/C < 10%, ESR < 2 x initial ESR value, IL < initial specified limit
Shelf Life 2,000 hours at +85C or 30,000 hours at +40C 0 VDC
I = 0.003 CV or 6,000 (A, whichever is smaller)
Leakage Current
C = rated capacitance (F), V = rated voltage (VDC). Voltage applied for 5 minutes at +20C.
Procedure Requirements
0.75 mm displacement amplitude
or 10 G maximum acceleration.
D 40 mm Vibration applied for three
No leakage of electrolyte
2-hour sessions at 10 500 Hz
or other visible damage.
Vibration Test Specifications
(Capacitor clamped by body).
Deviations in capacitance from
0.35 mm displacement amplitude
initial measurements must not
or 5 G maximum acceleration.
exceed: C/C < 5%
D > 40 mm Vibration applied for three
0.5-hour sessions at 10 55 Hz
(Capacitor clamped by body).
Standards IEC 603844 long life grade 40/105/56
Surge Voltage
Voltage (VDC)
25 40 63 100 200 250 350 400 450 500
30s Surge followed by a no load
28.75 46 72.5 115 230 288 385 440 495 550
period of 330s, 1,000 cycles at +85C
KEMET Electronics Corporation KEMET Tower One East Broward Boulevard A4026_ALC40 4/23/2020 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USA 954-766-2800