Printed Circuit Board Mount Power Film Capacitors
C4AQ Miniaturized, Radial, 2 or 4 Leads,
500 1,200 VDC, for DC Link (Automotive Grade)
The C4AQ M capacitor is a miniaturized polypropylene
Typical applications include DC filtering, DC link, power
metallized film capacitor with a rectangular, plastic box-type
electronics, energy storage, renewable energy grid inter face,
design, filled with resin, and uses 2 or 4 tinned wires.
motor drives, and automotive applications.
Automotive grade devices meet the demanding Automotive
Electronics Council's AEC-Q200 qualification requirements.
Miniaturized Sizes
Maximum Temperature: 125C (passive)
Low loss
L ow p r o fi l e di m e nsi o ns availa b l e
High ripple current
High dV/dt
High capacitance density
H i g h c o n t a c t r e lia b ili t y
S u i t a b l e fo r hi g h fr e q u e n c y a p p li c a ti o ns
Automotive Grades (AEC-Q200)
Part Number System
C4 A Q U B W 5270 M 3 N J
Rated Lead
Terminals Capacitance Size
Series Type Application Voltage Case Release Diameter Tolerance
Code Code (pF) Code
(VDC) (mm)
C4 = A = Q = L = 500 B, E = Box plastic U = 2 pins Digits two M = 1 = 0.8 See J = 5%
MKP Box, DC Link J = 700 case W = 4 pins four indicate Standard 2 = 1.0 dimensions K = 10%
Power wire Automotive I = 800 L = L o w P r o fi l e t h e fi r s t t h r e e Miniature 3 = 1.2 t a b l e b e l o w
Capacitors terminals Grade O = 900 b ox , p l a s t i c c a s e digits of the Version for valid
N = 1000 capacitance case sizes
Q = 1,100 value. First
P = 1,200 digit indicates
t h e n u m b e r
o f z e r o s t o b e
Built Into Tomorrow
KEMET Electronics Corporation KEMET Tower One East Broward Boulevard F3125_C4AQ_M 12/1/2020 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USA 954-766-2800 www.kemet.comPower and AC Film Capacitors Printed Circuit Board Mount Power Film Capacitors
C4AQ Miniaturized, Radial, 2 or 4 Leads, 500 1,200 VDC, for DC Link (Automotive Grade)
Dimensions Millimeters
0.5 0.5
Size Code S S1 T H L LL F
Digit 6 Digit 14 Nominal Tolerance Nominal Tolerance Nominal Tolerance Nominal Tolerance Nominal Tolerance Nominal Tolerance Nominal Tolerance
B W 27.5 0.4 - - 11.0 +0.3/-0.7 20.0 +0.2/-0.7 31.5 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
B X 27.5 0.4 - - 13.0 +0.3/-0.7 25.0 +0.2/-0.7 31.5 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
B Y 27.5 0.4 - - 14.0 +0.3/-0.7 28.0 +0.2/-0.7 31.5 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
B 8 27.5 0.4 - - 16.0 +0.3/-0.7 30.0 +0.2/-0.7 32.0 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
B E 27.5 0.4 - - 18.0 +0.6/-0.7 33.0 +0.2/-0.7 32.0 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
B 1 27.5 0.4 - - 19.0 +0.3/-0.7 29.0 +0.2/-0.7 31.5 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
B 2 27.5 0.4 - - 22.0 +0.3/-0.7 37.0 +0.2/-0.7 31.5 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
B F 37.5 0.4 10.2 0.4 20.0 +0.4/-0.7 40.0 +0.2/-0.7 42.0 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
B J 37.5 0.4 10.2 0.4 28.0 +0.4/-0.7 37.0 +0.2/-0.7 42.0 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
B H 37.5 0.4 10.2 0.4 24.0 +0.4/-0.7 44.0 +0.2/-0.7 41.5 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
B L 37.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 30.0 +0.4/-0.7 45.0 +0.2/-0.7 42.0 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
B 6 37.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 35.0 +0.4/-0.7 46.0 +0.2/-0.7 42.0 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
B O 37.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 35.0 +0.4/-0.7 50.0 +0.2/-0.7 42.0 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
E C 37.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 38.0 +0.5/-0.7 57.0 +0.3/-0.7 42.0 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
B M 52.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 30.0 +0.5/-0.7 45.0 +0.3/-0.7 57.5 +0.8/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
B N 52.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 35.0 +0.5/-0.7 50.0 +0.3/-0.7 57.5 +0.8/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
E A 52.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 45.0 +0.5/-0.7 56.0 +0.3/-0.7 57.5 +0.8/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
E B 52.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 45.0 +0.5/-0.7 65.0 +0.3/-0.7 57.5 +0.8/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
L 1 27.7 0.4 - - 21.0 +0.3/-0.7 12.5 +0.2/-0.7 32.0 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
L 2 27.5 0.4 - - 24.0 +0.3/-0.7 15.0 +0.2/-0.7 32.0 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
L 9 27.5 0.4 - - 31.0 +0.3/-0.7 19.0 +0.2/-0.7 32.0 +0.5/-0.7 6 +0/-2 0.8 0.05
L 4 37.5 0.4 10.2 0.4 24.0 +0.4/-0.7 15.0 +0.2/-0.7 41.5 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
L 3 37.5 0.4 10.2 0.4 24.0 +0.4/-0.7 19.0 +0.2/-0.7 41.5 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
L 6 37.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 35.0 +0.4/-0.7 24.0 +0.2/-0.7 42.0 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
L 8 37.5 0.4 20.3 0.4 43.0 +0.4/-0.7 25.0 +0.2/-0.7 42.0 +0.6/-0.7 6 +0/-2 1.2 0.05
KEMET Electronics Corporation KEMET Tower One East Broward Boulevard F3125_C4AQ_M 12/1/2020 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USA 954-766-2800