Radial Leaded Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors
High Voltage Goldmax, 600 Series, Conformally Coated,
X7R Dielectric, 500 3,000 VDC (Commercial Grade)
KEMETs 600 Series High Voltage Goldmax conformally a minimal change in capacitance with reference to ambient
coated radial leaded ceramic capacitors meet special temperature. Capacitance change is limited to 15% from
lead spacing requirements per MILPRF49467. Offered 55C to +125C.
in X7R dielectric, these capacitors feature a 125C
maximum operating temperature and are considered These devices offer low leakage current, exhibit low ESR
temperature stable. The Electronics Industries Alliance at high frequencies and find conventional use as snubbers
(EIA) characterizes X7R dielectric as a Class II material. or filters in applications such as switching power supplies
Components of this classification are fixed, ceramic and in lighting ballasts. Their exceptional performance
dielectric capacitors suited for bypass and decoupling at high frequencies has made them a preferred choice of
applications or for frequency discriminating circuits design engineers worldwide. In addition to their use in power
where Q and stability of capacitance characteristics supplies, these capacitors are widely used in industries
are not critical. X7R exhibits a predictable change in related to telecommunications, medical, military, aerospace,
capacitance with respect to time and voltage and boasts semiconductor and test/diagnostic equipment.
Radial leaded form factor
Conformally coated
Lead spacing per MILPRF49467
O p e r a ti n g te m p e r a t u r e r a n g e of 5 5 C to +125 C
RoHS and REACH compliant
X7R temperature stable dielectric
DC voltage ratings of 500 V, 1 KV, 1.5 KV, 2 KV, 2.5 KV and 3 KV
Ordering Information
C 627 C 224 K C R 5 T A 7301
S p e c i fi ca ti on / Capacitance Capacitance Rated Voltage Failure Packaging
Ceramic Style/Size Dielectric Design Lead Finish
Series Code (pF) Tolerance (VDC) Rate (C-Spec)
617 637 648
C = First two digits K = 10% C = 500 R = 5 = T = 100% A = See
622 638 657
Standard represent M = 20% D = 1,000 X7R Multilayer Matte Sn N/A Packaging
623 640 658
s ig n i fi c an t Z = + 8 0 % , F = 1,500 H = SnPb C-Spec
627 641 667
fi g u r e s . T h i r d 20 % G = 2,000 (60/40) Ordering
628 642 668
d i g i t s p e c i fi e s Z = 2,500 Options
630 643
number of H = 3,000 Table below
631 647
Additional capacitance tolerance offerings may be available. Contact KEMET for details.
Lead materials:
Standard: 100% matte tin (Sn) with nickel (Ni) underplate and steel core ( T designation).
A l te r n a t i ve 1: 6 0% T i n (S n)/4 0% Le a d (P b) fi n i s h w i t h c o p p e r - c l a d s te e l c o r e ( H d e s i g n a t i o n).
A l te r n a t i ve 2 : 6 0% T i n (S n)/4 0% Le a d (P b) fi n i s h w i t h 10 0% c o p p e r c o r e (ava i l a b l e w i t h H d e s i g n a t i o n c o d e w i t h C - S p e c). C o n ta c t K E M E T fo r
C - S p e c d e ta i l s .
One world. One KEMET
KEMET Electronics Corporation P.O. Box 5928 Greenville, SC 29606 864-963-6300 www.kemet.com C1057_HV_GOLDMAX_600_X7R 11/11/2016 1Radial Leaded Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors
High Voltage Goldmax, 600 Series, Conformally Coated, X7R Dielectric, 500 3,000 VDC (Commercial Grade)
Benefits cont'd
Capacitance of ferings ranging from 15 0 pF to 2.9 F
100% pure mat te tin - plated lead nfi ish allowing for
Available capacitance tolerances of 10%, 20% and excellent solderability
+80% /20% SnPb - plated lead nfi ish option available upon request
High temperature solder lead attach (Sn60/Pb40)
Non-polar device, minimizing installation concerns Encapsulation meets flamabilit y standard UL 94V0
Typical applications include switch mode power supplies (input filters, resonators, tank circuits, snubber circuits, output
filters), high voltage coupling and DC blocking, lighting ballasts, voltage multiplier circuits, DC/DC conver ters and coupling
capacitors in uk conver ters. Markets include power supply, LCD fluorescent backlight ballasts, HID lighting, telecom
equipment, industrial and medical equipment/control, LAN/WAN interface, analog and digital modems, and automotive. X7R
dielectrics are not designed for AC line filtering applications.
Application Notes
X7R dielectric is not recommended for AC line filtering or pulse applications.
Packaging C-Spec Ordering Options Table
Packaging Type
Ordering Code (C-Spec)
Bulk Bag Not required (Blank)
12" Reel/16.0 mm 0.5 lead length 7301
12" Reel/18.0 mm minimum lead length 7303
D e fa u l t p a c ka g i n g i s B u l k B a g . A n o r d e r i n g c o d e C - S p e c i s n o t r e q u i r e d fo r B u l k B a g p a c ka g i n g .
For more information seeTape & Reel Packaging Informatio.
Commercial Grade products are subject to internal qualification. Details regarding test methods and conditions are
referenced in Table 2, Performance & Reliability.
KEMET Electronics Corporation P.O. Box 5928 Greenville, SC 29606 864-963-6300 www.kemet.com C1057_HV_GOLDMAX_600_X7R 11/11/2016 2