TechnologiesThe DSOX4SENSOR with Software is a device designed by Keysight Technologies that allows users to make four channel oscilloscope measurements using the InfiniiVision 4000 X-SERIES oscilloscope. The device comes with a 14-pin ribbon cable connecting it to the oscilloscope and includes four Plug and Play sensing modules, each providing four high-performance thermocouple measurement channels. The sensing modules can be used in a variety of applications including process monitoring and control, temperature profiling and short-duration shock and vibration analysis. The device supports several thermocouple types such as Type K, Type J, and Type T. Each module also has a built-in temperature measurement, enabling the user to measure the temperature of the test environment. The device includes software packages for both Windows and Mac, which allows users to access data quickly, analyze trends, and create reports from the measurements obtained from the device.