D Q E U I GROMMETS, BUMPERS & BUSHINGS RUBBER GROMMETS RECESSED BUMPERS Ideal for electrical insulation and mechanical damping. Made from BUNA S. Provides excellent traction and shock absorbing qualities. available with or without Mold-in Washers. I.D. For Hole For Panel CAT. NO. A B C D E FIG. 1 FIG. 2 FIG. 3 730 .125 .187 .062 .312 .187 733 .125 .250 .062 .343 .187 MATERIAL: Rubber, BUNA S (figs. 1 & 2), Vinyl (fig. 3) 734 .125 .437 .062 .625 .187 735 .125 .375 .093 .500 .312 Screw 736 .187 .312 .062 .437 .218 CAT. NO. FIG. A B C D E Size 731 .187 .312 .062 .437 .218 720 1 .500 .250 .250 .187 .125 4 737 .187 .281 .093 .437 .218 721 1 .625 .312 .250 .187 .125 4 738 .250 .437 .062 .625 .187 739 .250 .375 .062 .562 .250 722 1 .718 .437 .250 .218 .125 4 740 .250 .375 .093 .500 .250 723 2 .937 .375 .375 .187 .187 8 741 .312 .562 .062 .812 .312 *724 3 .687 .250 .343 .125 .155 6 742 .312 .437 .062 .625 .281 *725 3 .875 .312 .406 .125 .187 8 743 .312 .437 .093 .625 .312 *726 3 1.062 .437 .468 .234 .200 10 744 .375 .625 .062 .875 .312 727 3 .562 .375 .218 .187 .115 4 745 .375 .500 .062 .625 .250 728 3 .750 .437 .265 .250 .148 6 732 .437 .562 .062 .750 .250 729 3 .937 .625 .359 .297 .174 8 746 .437 .687 .062 .937 .312 *Grey - all others black 747 .500 .812 .062 1.062 .312 748 .500 1.250 .062 1.500 .250 749 .500 .750 .093 .968 .281 SELF-LOCKING BUMPER FOOT 750 .562 .812 .062 1.062 .312 752 .625 .875 .062 1.125 .312 A unique easy-to-install self-locking bumper foot Vibration absorbing and skid resistant 753 .625 1.250 .062 1.500 .250 Two piece assembly, furnished pre-assembled Mounts without screws or tools 755 .750 1.062 .062 1.375 .375 756 .750 1.437 .062 1.812 .375 757 .875 1.250 .062 1.625 .437 UNIVERSAL RUBBER GROMMET Designed to adjust to different wire, cable or tubing diameters from .125 to .312 Self-adjusting membrane forms a dust resistant seal Installs in .500 diameter hole in .062 thick MATERIAL panels or boards Foot: Santoprene, Black Molded outer ring retains grommet in place Pin: Polypropylene, Black CAT. NO. 717 Recommended Mounting Hole: .305 dia. NYLON INSULATED BUSHINGS Snaps into panel hole to provide protection for wire, cable and tubing from sharp uneven edges. MATERIAL: Black Thermoplastic Rubber CAT. NO. 777 NYLON SPLIT BUSHINGS Designed to be assembled into holes that already contain wire or cable. Versatile bushing MATERIAL: Nylon 6/6, Black can be used on all chassis from .032 to .125 thick. HOLE MAXIMUM A B C CAT. NO. SIZE CHASSIS INSIDE HEAD OVERALL REQUIRED THICKNESS DIA. DIA. HEIGHT 8470 .250 .062 .125 .312 .312 8471 .312 .062 .187 .375 .312 8472 .375 .125 .250 .468 .406 8473 .437 .125 .312 .531 .406 8474 .500 .125 .375 .578 .406 8475 .562 .125 .437 .656 .406 8476 .625 .125 .500 .718 .406 HOLE A B 8477 .750 .125 .562 .843 .406 CAT. NO. SIZE INSIDE HEAD 8478 .875 .125 .625 .953 .453 REQUIRED DIA. DIA. 8479 1.000 .125 .750 1.125 .453 8490 .375 .265 .421 8480 1.187 .125 .937 1.312 .453 8491 .500 .312 .562 8481 1.250 .125 .937 1.359 .453 8492 .562 .390 .640 8482 1.375 .125 1.000 1.468 .453 8493 .625 .453 .687 8483 1.500 .125 1.062 1.609 .453 8494 .750 .546 .796 8484 1.750 .125 1.375 1.875 .453 8495 .875 .671 .921 8485 2.000 .125 1.625 2.125 .453 8496 1.000 .796 1.062 8486 2.500 .250 1.968 2.656 .718 MATERIAL: Nylon 6/6, Black 31-07 20th Road Astoria, New York 11105-2017 (718) 956-8900 FAX (718) 956-9040 84 e-mail: kec keyelco.com WebSite: keyelco.com F A I ISO 9002 L T I R T Y E CX-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for Grommets & Bushings category: Click to view products by Keystone manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : M10-036565-101 M10-036565-143 M10-036565-183 205339-4 M10-036565-122 M10-036565-163 3-1991136-0 561-FGUP0850B 561- MP13716 561-FGUP0400N 1398081-1 1301800320 M10-036565-232 2298 4014B 2407 2141-P HTL-40-10-TPE 2417-P 2917-P 3108-P 2871-P 1342664 100187 100188 100216 100223 100236 52001970 52002000 52002010 52002020 52002050 1301800412 FEM 27-35 100175 100176 100178 100182 100196 100238 100244 100744 100084 100174 100177 100179 100180 100181 100186