Dipped Radial Leaded Capacitors
Electrical Details
Capacitance Range 4.7pF to 22F
Temperature Coefficient of C0G/NP0 0 30ppm/C
Capacitance (TCC) X7R 15% from -55 to +125C
Cr > 50pF 0.0015
Dissipation Factor
Cr 50pF = 0.0015(15Cr+0.7)
X7R 0.025
Insulation Resistance (IR) 100G or 1000secs (whichever is the less)
Voltage applied for 5 1 seconds, 50mA
Dielectric Withstand Voltage (DWV)
charging current maximum
C0G/NP0 Zero
Ageing Rate
X7R <2% per time decade
Marking Information Syfer Technology produces a wide range of dipped radial leaded capacitors. These are
All encapsulated capacitors are marked with: Capacitance value, tolerance, available in rated voltages of 50V up to 12kV. Our larger case sizes and high voltage
rated d.c. voltage, dielectric, and where size permits the Syfer Technology versions are particularly in demand, especially for mil/aero and medical power supply
S logo. applications. Please contact our Sales Office to discuss any special requirements.
Example: 1000pF 10% 50V 2X1 Dielectric
High working voltage up to 12kVdc
Large case sizes
RoHS compliant versions
Tin-lead plated wire option to reduce tin whiskers (quote suffix A97 for 8111 to
8141 & A31 for 8151, 8161 & 8171)
Width Height Thickness Lead Space Lead Diameter
Pattern (X) max. mm(inches) (Y) max. mm(inches) (Z) max. mm(inches) (S) max. mm(inches) (d) max. mm(inches)
8111M A 3.81 (0.15) 5.31 (0.21) 2.54 (0.10) 2.54 0.4 (0.1 0.016) 0.5 0.05 (0.02 0.002)
8111N N 3.81 (0.15) 5.31 (0.21) 2.54 (0.10) 5.08 0.4 (0.2 0.016) 0.5 0.05 (0.02 0.002)
8121M A 5.08 (0.20) 6.58 (0.26) 3.18 (0.125) 2.54 0.4 (0.1 0.016) 0.5 0.05 (0.02 0.002)
8121N B 5.08 (0.20) 6.58 (0.26) 3.18 (0.125) 5.08 0.4 (0.2 0.016) 0.5 0.05 (0.02 0.002)
8121T B 10.16 (0.40) 5.80 (0.23) 4.50 (0.18) 7.62 0.4 (0.3 0.016) 0.5 0.05 (0.02 0.002)
8131M A 7.62 (0.30) 9.12 (0.36) 3.81/6.30 (0.15/0.25) 5.08 0.4 (0.2 0.016) 0.5 0.05 (0.02 0.002)
8131T B 10.16 (0.40) 9.12 (0.36) 4.50 (0.18) 7.62 0.4 (0.3 0.016) 0.5 0.05 (0.02 0.002)
8141M A 10.16 (0.40) 11.66 (0.46) 3.81 (0.15) 5.08 0.4 (0.2 0.016) 0.5 0.05 (0.02 0.002)
8151M A 12.70 (0.50) 14.20 (0.56) 5.08/6.30 (0.20/0.25) 10.1 0.4 (0.4 0.016) 0.6 0.05 (0.025 0.002)
8161M A 18.50 (0.73) 16.50 (0.65) 6.00/7.00 (0.24/0.28) 14.5 0.5 (0.57 0.020) 0.6 0.05 (0.025 0.002)
8165M A 19.00 (0.75) 19.00 (0.75) 4.25 (0.17) 17.5 0.5 (0.67 0.020) 0.6 0.05 (0.025 0.002)
8171M A 25.00 (0.98) 20.00 (0.79) 6.00/7.00 (0.24/0.28) 20.5 0.5 (0.81 0.020) 0.6 0.05 (0.025 0.002)
Ordering Information Radial Leaded Capacitors
8111M 100 0102 J C
Type No/ Capacitance
Rated Voltage Capacitance in Pico farads (pF) Dielectric Codes Suffix Code Suffix Code
Size ref Tolerance
8111M 050 = 50V <10pF <10pF C = C0G/NP0 Used for specific customer C42 denotes RoHS
requirements compliant.
8111N 063 = 63V Insert a P for the decimal point as the D: 0.5pF (1B/CG; CG/BP)
second character. A31 or A97 denote non-
8121M 100 = 100V F: 1.0pF X = X7R
RoHS tin/lead wires.
e.g., 8P20 = 8.2pF
8121N 200 = 200V 10pF (2R1)
Suffix A97 for 8111 to
8121T 250 = 250V J: 5% To Special Order
8141 & A31 for 8151,
First digit is 0.
8131M 500 = 500V K: 10% B = 2X1 (BX)
8161, 8171
Second and third digits are significant
8131T 630 = 630V M: 20% R = 2C1 (BZ)
figures of capacitance code.
8141M 1K0 = 1kV >27pF
The fourth digit is the number of zeros
8151M 1K2 =1.2kV G: 2%
8161M 1K5 =1.5kV (C0G/NP0 only)
e.g., 0101 = 100 pF
8165M 2K0 = 2kV
8171M 2K5 =2.5kV
3K0 =3kV
Notes: The voltage code may be replaced with the complete voltage (e.g., 1500V = 1K5V) at
Syfers discretion. Marking may be over both sides of the component as necessary.
4K0 =4kV
5K0 =5kV
6K0 =6kV
8K0 =8kV
10K =10kV
12K =12kV
Syfer Technology Ltd. RadialDatasheet Issue 1 (P107371) Release Date 05/03/13 Page 1 of 4
Old Stoke Road, Arminghall
Norwich, Norfolk, NR14 8SQ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1603 723300 | Email sales@syfer.co.uk | www.syfer.com Radial Leaded Capacitors Minimum/Maximum Capacitance Values
8131M 8151M 8161M 8171M
8111M 8111N 8121M 8121N 8121T 8131M T = 8131T 8141M 8151M T = 8161M T = 8171M T =
6.3mm 6.3mm 7.0mm 7.0mm
Min. C0G/NP0 4.7pF 4.7pF 4.7pF 4.7pF 4.7pF 4.7pF - 10pF 4.7pF 10pF - 27pF - 47pF -
X7R 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF - 150pF 100pF 470pF - 1.0nF - 1.8nF -
C0G/NP0 5.6nF 5.6nF 33nF 33nF 33nF 220nF - 100nF 220nF 330nF - 680nF - 1.0F -
X7R 220nF 220nF 1.0F 1.0F 1.0F 3.3F - 2.2F 4.7F 10F - 15F - 22F -
C0G/NP0 2.2nF 2.2nF 18nF 18nF 18nF 82nF - 47nF 82nF 270nF - 470nF - 680nF -
X7R 100nF 100nF 680nF 680nF 680nF 2.7F - 1.5F 2.7F 5.6F - 10F - 15F -
C0G/NP0 1.0nF 1.0nF 8.2nF 8.2nF 8.2nF 47nF 68nF 22nF 47nF 120nF 180nF 270nF 330nF 390nF 560nF
X7R 56nF 56nF 330nF 330nF 330nF 1.5F - 680nF 1.5F 3.3F - 5.6F - 10F -
C0G/NP0 680pF 680pF 6.8nF 6.8nF 6.8nF 33nF 47nF 15nF 33nF 82nF 120nF 180nF 270nF 270nF 470nF
X7R 15nF 15nF 150nF 150nF 150nF 820nF - 330nF 820nF 1.0F - 1.8F - 3.3F -
C0G/NP0 560pF 560pF 3.9nF 3.9nF 3.9nF 22nF 39nF 10nF 22nF 68nF 100nF 120nF 180nF 220nF 390nF
X7R 12nF 12nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 390nF - 180nF 470nF 680nF - 1.2F - 2.2F -
C0G/NP0 180pF 180pF 2.2nF 2.2nF 2.2nF 18nF 27nF 6.8nF 18nF 47nF 82nF 82nF 150nF 150nF 270nF
X7R 10nF 10nF 47nF 47nF 47nF 150nF - 100nF 150nF 180nF - 390nF - 1.0F -
C0G/NP0 120pF 120pF 1.5nF 1.5nF 1.5nF 12nF 22nF 4.7nF 12nF 33nF 56nF 68nF 100nF 100nF 180nF
X7R - - 10nF 10nF 10nF 100nF - 33nF 100nF 150nF - 220nF - 470nF -
C0G/NP0 82pF 82pF 820pF 820pF 820pF 6.8nF 12nF 2.7nF 6.8nF 22nF 39nF 39nF 68nF 68nF 120nF
X7R - - 6.8nF 6.8nF 6.8nF 68nF - 22nF 68nF 100nF - 150nF - 330nF -
C0G/NP0 39pF 39pF 390pF 390pF 390pF 4.7nF 6.8nF 1.5nF 4.7nF 10nF 18nF 22nF 39nF 39nF 68nF
X7R - - 4.7nF 4.7nF 4.7nF 33nF - 10nF 47nF 47nF - 82nF - 150nF -
C0G/NP0 - - 220pF 220pF 220pF 2.2nF 3.9nF 820pF 2.2nF 6.8nF 12nF 12nF 22nF 22nF 39nF
X7R - - - - - 12nF - 3.3nF 12nF 33nF - 68nF - 100nF -
C0G/NP0 - - 150pF 150pF 150pF 1.8nF 2.7nF 560pF 1.8nF 4.7nF 8.2nF 10nF 18nF 15nF 27nF
X7R - - - - - 8.2nF - 2.7nF 10nF 22nF - 47nF - 82nF -
C0G/NP0 - - - - - 820pF 1.5nF 270pF 820pF 1.8nF 3.3nF 4.7nF 6.8nF 8.2nF 15nF
X7R - - - - - 5.6nF - 2.2nF 5.6nF 6.8nF - 15nF - 33nF -
C0G/NP0 - - - - - 560pF 1.0nF 180pF 560pF 1.5nF 2.2nF 2.7nF 4.7nF 5.6nF 10nF
X7R - - - - - 4.7nF - 1.2nF 4.7nF 5.6nF - 10nF - 22nF -
C0G/NP0 - - - - - 390pF 680pF 120pF 390pF 1.0nF 1.5nF 1.8nF 3.3nF 3.9nF 6.8nF
X7R - - - - - 2.7nF - 1.0nF 2.7nF 4.7nF - 8.2nF - 15nF -
C0G/NP0 - - - - - - - - - 150pF - 330pF - 680pF -
X7R - - - - - - - - - 1.5nF - 4.7nF - 6.8nF -
C0G/NP0 - - - - - - - - - 100pF - 180pF - 470pF -
X7R - - - - - - - - - 1.0nF - 2.2nF - 4.7nF -
C0G/NP0 - - - - - - - - - 68pF - 120pF - 220pF -
X7R - - - - - - - - - 820pF - 1.2nF - 2.2nF -
8131M 8151M 8161M 8171M
8111M 8111N 8121M 8121N 8121T 8131M 8131T 8141M 8151M 8161M 8171M
T = T = T = T =
6.3mm 6.3mm 7.0mm 7.0mm
Wave Soldering Hand Soldering Radial Leaded Capacitors
Wave soldering is generally acceptable, but the thermal Radial capacitors can be hand soldered into boards using
stresses caused by the wave have been shown to lead to soldering irons, provided care is taken not to touch the body of
potential problems with larger or thicker chips. the capacitor with the iron tip. Soldering should be carried out
from the opposite side of the board to the radial to minimise
Maximum permissible wave temperature is 260C for Radial
the risk of damage to the capacitor body. Where possible, a
Leaded capacitors.
heat sink should be used between the solder joint and the
body, especially if longer dwell times are required.
The total immersion time in solder should be kept to a
minimum. It is strongly recommended that Sn/Ni plated
terminations are specified for wave soldering applications.
RoHS Compliance
REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
restriction of Chemicals) Statement Syfer routinely monitors world wide material restrictions (e.g.,
EU/China and Korea RoHS mandates) and is actively involved
The main purpose of REACH is to improve the protection of
in shaping future legislation.
human health and the environment from the risks arising from
the use of chemicals. All standard Radial Leaded capacitors are compliant with the
EU RoHS directive. Compliance with EU RoHS directive
Syfer Technology Ltd maintains both ISO 14001,
automatically signifies compliance with some other legislation
Environmental Management System and OHSAS 18001 Health
(e.g., Korea RoHS). Please refer to the Sales Office for details
& Safety Management System approvals that require and
of compliance with other materials legislation.
ensure compliance with corresponding legislation such as
REACH. Most radial components are available with non-RoHS compliant
tin/lead (SnPb) solderable lead finish for exempt applications
For further information, please contact the sales office at
and where pure tin is not acceptable.
Check the website, www.syfer.com for latest RoHS update.
Syfer Technology Ltd: RadialDatasheet Issue 1 (P107371) Release Date 05/03/13 Page 2 of 4