X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of TRD815WHT-25 across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. TRD815WHT-25 are a product manufactured by L-Com. We provide cost-effective solutions for TRD815WHT-25, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

TRD815WHT-25 L-Com

TRD815WHT-25 electronic component of L-Com
Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. TRD815WHT-25
Manufacturer: L-Com
Category: Unclassified
Description: PATCH CORD, CAT 5E, 25FT, WHITE
Datasheet: TRD815WHT-25 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 35.0539 ea
Line Total: USD 35.05 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 07 Mar to Thu. 13 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 35.0539

Product Category
Cable Assembly Type
Cable Length - Imperial
Connector Type A
Connector Type B
Jacket Color
Cable Color
Cable Length
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the TRD815WHT-25 from our L-Com manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the TRD815WHT-25 and other electronic components in the L-Com manufacturer and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image CA-RSPNMA004
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CS2N25MF-10
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CA3A-90RMICB-05M
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Stock Image CTLDVI-DLSP-MM-15
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Stock Image CSMT15MF-5
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CSMT9MF-50
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CSMT9MM-25
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CSMT9MM-50
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image CSPL9MF-10
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Stock Image AOCQP28100-007
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image F-596-C
Stock : 1
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image RVUVK105CH020BW-F
CAP, HIGH FREQ, 0402, 50V, C0H
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Stock Image MPZ2012-KIT
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Stock Image RVEVK105CH3R9JW-F
CAP, HIGH FREQ, 0402, 16V, C0H
Stock : 1
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Stock Image RMJMK063BJ224MP-F
CAP 0.22UF 6.3VDC X5R 20% SMD 0201
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Stock Image RMUMK105CG3R9CV-F
CAP, MLCC, 0402, 50V, C0G, 3.9
Stock : 1
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Stock Image F-524-C
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Stock Image F-040-C
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4 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 REVISIONS THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF L-COM, INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR WHOLE REV DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED RoHS Compliant WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF L-COM, INC. IS PROHIBITED. E ECN 6416: ADD WIRE MAP, REVISED BOOT LOGO, PACKAGING NOTE 9/21/12 D.FRISIELLO F ECN 6809: ADDED CHANNEL RATED NOTE. UPDATED NOTE AND TABLE FORMAT 4/24/13 D. DESJARDIN D D LENGTH (SEE SHEETS 2 AND 3) POSITION 1 2X MOLDED BOOT POSITION 1 PVC, CLEAR 2X, L-COM LOGO BOTH SIDES 2X, RJ45 MODULAR PLUG GOLD PLATED CONTACTS C C (8X8)P1 P2 CATEGORY 5E, UTP, 24 AWG STRANDED COPPER PVC JACKET (SEE SHEETS 2 AND 3 FOR COLOR) WIRING MAP P1 P2 1 B 1 WHT/ORN B 2 2 ORN 3 3 WHT/GRN 6 6 GRN 5 5 WHT/BLU 4 4 BLU 7 7 WHT/BRN 8 8 BRN F NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, APPROVALS DATE 45 BEECHWOOD DRIVE NORTH ANDOVER, MA DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES mm DRAWN BY 01/04/2007 1. LENGTHS OVER 10 METERS (32.8 FT) ARE CHANNEL RATED. D. PARHAM 01845 OVERALL CABLE LENGTH TOLERANCE: CHECKED BY 12 305 = +1 25 / -0 CATEGORY A >12 305 60 1524 = +2 51 / -0 J. KIEZULAS 01/05/2007 A >60 1524 120 3048 = +4 102 / -0 APPROVED BY 2. PLUG CONFORMS TO TIA-1096. >120 3048 300 7620 = +6 152 / -0 TELECOM/MODULAR J. ROBERTS 01/05/2007 >300 7620 = +5% / -0% PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ALL OTHER DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES: 3. CABLE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE TESTED FOR CONTINUITY. CONFIGURATION DETAILS OF .X = .2 UNDIMENSIONED FEATURES .XX = .02 MAY VARY CA C5E PVC UTP .XXX = .005 4. CABLE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED IN SIZE FSCM NO. REV. DWG. NO. PROJECTION COLOR VARIATIONS ACCORDANCE WITH L-COM PACKAGING SPECIFICATION PS-0031. MAY OCCUR A 43321 TRD815-B F SCALE: NONE CAD FILE: TRD815-B.SLDDRW SHEET13OF 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 4444 888 777 666 555 333 222 111 TTHHE INFOE INFORMRMAATTIOION CON CONTNTAAIINED IN TNED IN THHISIS DRA DRAWWING ISING IS T THHE SE SOOLELE PPRROPOPEERRTY OFTY OF L-COM, L-COM, I INNC.C. 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LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH PART NUMBER COLOR PART NUMBER COLOR PART NUMBER COLOR FEET METERS FEET METERS FEET METERS TRD815BLK-1 BLACK 1.0 0.31 TRD815R-1 RED 1.0 0.31 TRD815OR-1 ORANGE 1.0 0.31 DDD DDD TRD815BLK-2 BLACK 2.0 0.61 TRD815R-2 RED 2.0 0.61 TRD815OR-2 ORANGE 2.0 0.61 TRD815BLK-3 BLACK 3.0 0.91 TRD815R-3 RED 3.0 0.91 TRD815OR-3 ORANGE 3.0 0.91 TRD815BLK-5 BLACK 5.0 1.52 TRD815R-5 RED 5.0 1.52 TRD815OR-5 ORANGE 5.0 1.52 TRD815BLK-7 BLACK 7.0 2.13 TRD815R-7 RED 7.0 2.13 TRD815OR-7 ORANGE 7.0 2.13 TRD815BLK-10 BLACK 10.0 3.05 TRD815R-10 RED 10.0 3.05 TRD815OR-10 ORANGE 10.0 3.05 TRD815BLK-14 BLACK 14.0 4.27 TRD815R-14 RED 14.0 4.27 TRD815OR-14 ORANGE 14.0 4.27 TRD815BLK-20 BLACK 20.0 6.10 TRD815R-20 RED 20.0 6.10 TRD815OR-20 ORANGE 20.0 6.10 TRD815BLK-25 BLACK 25.0 7.62 TRD815R-25 RED 25.0 7.62 TRD815OR-25 ORANGE 25.0 7.62 TRD815BLK-30 BLACK 30.0 9.14 TRD815R-30 RED 30.0 9.14 TRD815OR-30 ORANGE 30.0 9.14 TRD815BLK-40 BLACK 40.0 12.19 TRD815R-40 RED 40.0 12.19 TRD815OR-40 ORANGE 40.0 12.19 TRD815BLK-50 BLACK 50.0 15.24 TRD815R-50 RED 50.0 15.24 TRD815OR-50 ORANGE 50.0 15.24 TRD815BLK-60 BLACK 60.0 18.29 TRD815R-60 RED 60.0 18.29 TRD815OR-60 ORANGE 60.0 18.29 CCC TRD815BLK-75 BLACK 75.0 22.86 TRD815R-75 RED 75.0 22.86 TRD815OR-75 ORANGE 75.0 22.86 CCC TRD815BLK-80 BLACK 80.0 24.38 TRD815R-80 RED 80.0 24.38 TRD815OR-80 ORANGE 80.0 24.38 TRD815BLK-90 BLACK 90.0 27.43 TRD815R-90 RED 90.0 27.43 TRD815OR-90 ORANGE 90.0 27.43 TRD815BLK-100 BLACK 100.0 30.48 TRD815R-100 RED 100.0 30.48 TRD815OR-100 ORANGE 100.0 30.48 TRD815GR-1 GREEN 1.0 0.31 TRD815Y-1 YELLOW 1.0 0.31 TRD815GRY-1 GRAY 1.0 0.31 TRD815GR-2 GREEN 2.0 0.61 TRD815Y-2 YELLOW 2.0 0.61 TRD815GRY-2 GRAY 2.0 0.61 TRD815GR-3 GREEN 3.0 0.91 TRD815Y-3 YELLOW 3.0 0.91 TRD815GRY-3 GRAY 3.0 0.91 TRD815GR-5 GREEN 5.0 1.52 TRD815Y-5 YELLOW 5.0 1.52 TRD815GRY-5 GRAY 5.0 1.52 TRD815GR-7 GREEN 7.0 2.13 TRD815Y-7 YELLOW 7.0 2.13 TRD815GRY-7 GRAY 7.0 2.13 TRD815GR-10 GREEN 10.0 3.05 TRD815Y-10 YELLOW 10.0 3.05 TRD815GRY-10 GRAY 10.0 3.05 TRD815GR-14 GREEN 14.0 4.27 TRD815Y-14 YELLOW 14.0 4.27 TRD815GRY-14 GRAY 14.0 4.27 TRD815GR-20 GREEN 20.0 6.10 TRD815Y-20 YELLOW 20.0 6.10 TRD815GRY-20 GRAY 20.0 6.10 BBB BBB TRD815GR-25 GREEN 25.0 7.62 TRD815Y-25 YELLOW 25.0 7.62 TRD815GRY-25 GRAY 25.0 7.62 TRD815GR-30 GREEN 30.0 9.14 TRD815Y-30 YELLOW 30.0 9.14 TRD815GRY-30 GRAY 30.0 9.14 TRD815GR-40 GREEN 40.0 12.19 TRD815Y-40 YELLOW 40.0 12.19 TRD815GRY-40 GRAY 40.0 12.19 TRD815GR-50 GREEN 50.0 15.24 TRD815Y-50 YELLOW 50.0 15.24 TRD815GRY-50 GRAY 50.0 15.24 TRD815GR-60 GREEN 60.0 18.29 TRD815Y-60 YELLOW 60.0 18.29 TRD815GRY-60 GRAY 60.0 18.29 TRD815GR-75 GREEN 75.0 22.86 TRD815Y-75 YELLOW 75.0 22.86 TRD815GRY-75 GRAY 75.0 22.86 TRD815GR-80 GREEN 80.0 24.38 TRD815Y-80 YELLOW 80.0 24.38 TRD815GRY-80 GRAY 80.0 24.38 TRD815GR-90 GREEN 90.0 27.43 TRD815Y-90 YELLOW 90.0 27.43 TRD815GRY-90 GRAY 90.0 27.43 TRD815GR-100 GREEN 100.0 30.48 TRD815Y-100 YELLOW 100.0 30.48 TRD815GRY-100 GRAY 100.0 30.48 45 BEECHWOOD DRIVE NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 CATECATEGOGORRYY AAA AAA TELECOM/MODULAR PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CA C5E PVC UTP SISIZZEE FSFSFSCCCMMM NO. NO. NO. REVREVREV... DWG.DWG. N NOO.. 444332133213321 TRTRTRDDD888111555-B-B-B AA FFF SCALSCALEE:: NONENONE CCAADD F FIILLEE:: TTTRRRD81D81D81555-B-B-B...SSSLLLDDRDDRDDRWWW SSHHEETEET 22 OFOF 33 888 777 666 555 333 222 111 444

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