temperature and process technology Pla num Resistance Thermometer Pt100 Industrial Formed in 1971, Labfacility Sensor Probe, Class B specialize in the eld of Temperature and Process Measurement. We are the largest UK manufacturer of both temperature sensors and thermocouple connectors. Mul purpose Pt100 Probe to IEC751 Class B, 4-wire connec on Quality and Service are key Rigid 316 stainless steel sheath, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5 or 6.0mm diameter 1 or 2 metre Teon insulated, screened lead elements in the con nued growth Sensor temperature ra ng -50C to +250C of Labfacility. Technical support is always freely Specica ons available from our experienced technical sales teams Sensor type: Pt100 (100 Ohms 0C) to IEC 751, Class B, 4 wire and the company has ISO9001 Construc on: 3.0, 4.0, 4.5 or 6.0mm diameter 316 stainless steel sheath. Probe temperature range: -50C to +250C accredita on. Extension cable: 1 or 2 metre exible Teon insulated, screened Termina on: 4-wire tails allows connec on to any PT100 instrument 2, 3 or 4 wire. Contact Details Email sales labfacility.com Website www.labfacility.com FAR150/0817. Pt100 Industrial Sensor Probe, Class B temperature and process technology Probe Diameter Probe Length Cable Length Order Number 3mm 25mm 2 m XF-1118-FAR Formed in 1971, Labfacility 3mm 50mm 2 m XF-1119-FAR specialize in the eld of 3mm 100mm 2 m XF-1120-FAR 3mm 125mm 2 m XF-1121-FAR Temperature and Process 3mm 150mm 2 m XF-1122-FAR Measurement. 4mm 25mm 2 m XF-1123-FAR 4mm 50mm 2 m XF-1124-FAR We are the largest UK 4mm 100mm 2 m XF-1125-FAR manufacturer of both 4mm 150mm 2 m XF-1126-FAR temperature sensors and 4mm 200mm 2 m XF-1127-FAR thermocouple connectors. 4.5mm 25mm 2 m XF-1128-FAR 4.5mm 50mm 2 m XF-1129-FAR 4.5mm 100mm 2 m XF-1130-FAR 4.5mm 125mm 2 m XF-1131-FAR Quality and Service are key 6mm 50mm 2 m XF-1132-FAR elements in the con nued growth 6mm 75mm 2 m XF-1133-FAR 6mm 100mm 2 m XF-1134-FAR of Labfacility. 6mm 125mm 2 m XF-1135-FAR 6mm 150mm 2 m XF-1136-FAR Technical support is always freely 6mm 200mm 2 m XF-1137-FAR available from our 6mm 300mm 2 m XF-1138-FAR experienced technical sales teams and the company has ISO9001 accredita on. Contact Details Email sales labfacility.com Website www.labfacility.com FAR150/0817. Pt100 Industrial Sensor Probe, Class B