Ferrite Cable Core K-404 EMI A LG BENEFIT: Split/Snap-on Ferrite Core (28A Series) with excellent common mode and differential mode EMI suppression on round cable and wire assemblies at Broadband Frequency Range (around 30 MHz to 1 GHz). DIMENSIONS mm Typical Impedance (Z) in Ohms Laird Solid (inches) Maximum () Cylindrical Part Cable Diameter Core 25 100 300 Number mm (inches) Similar Parts O.D I.D Length Height MHz MHz MHz (For Reference) 13.00 4.90 25.50 11.70 3.50 100 240 400 28B0472-090 28A0350-0B2 (0.511) (0.193) (1.004) (0.460) (0.138) 13.72 5.44 30.56 13.72 4.75 75 170 320 28B0375-300 28A0392-0A2 (0.540) (0.214) (1.203) (0.540) (0.187) 14.71 5.44 43.03 14.70 5.05 111 277 449 28B0434-000 28A0434-0A2 (0.579) (0.214) (1.694) (0.579) (0.199) 18.75 5.04 53.39 18.75 4.40 232 511 627 28B0592-000 28A0592-0A2 (0.738) (0.198) (2.102) (0.738) (0.137) 18.75 6.75 52.91 18.75 6.50 186 407 575 28B0591-200 28A0593-0A2 (0.738) (0.266) (2.083) (0.738) (0.256) 24.82 10.00 55.91 24.82 10.00 160 348 514 28B0735-000 28A0807-0A2 (0.977) (0.394) (2.201) (0.977) (0.394) 29.00 13.00 32.50 29.62 12.85 130 280 440 28B1020-100 28A2024-0A2 (1.142) (0.512) (1.280) (1.166) (0.506) 18.15 7.05 32.50 18.90 6.45 130 320 510 28B0562-200 28A2025-0A2 (0.715) (0.278) (1.280) (0.744) (0.254) 21.00 6.80 41.70 21.00 6.45 95 270 460 28B0562-200 28A2026-0A2 (0.827) (0.268) (1.642) (0.827) (0.254) 22.28 10.00 32.77 21.84 9.95 95 250 420 28B0734-000 28A2029-0A2 (0.877) (0.394) (1.290) (0.860) (0.392) 19.20 8.20 19.90 23.10 8.05 62 160 300 28B0672-000 28A2432-0A2 (0.756) (0.323) (0.783) (0.909) (0.317) 19.70 9.00 35.10 18.00 8.90 120 220 360 28B0631-100 28A2736-0A2 (0.776) (0.354) (1.382) (0.709) (0.350) 24.55 10.20 13.60 28.50 10.15 55 130 250 28B0735-300 28A3039-0A2 (0.967) (0.402) (0.535) (1.122) (0.400) 30.00 13.00 33.70 30.00 12.85 150 260 410 28B1020-100 28A3851-0A2 (1.181) (0.512) (1.327) (1.181) (0.506) 28.80 13.60 15.40 33.20 13.55 50 120 230 28B0825-000 28A4155-0A2 (1.134) (0.535) (0.606) (1.307) (0.533) 29.20 20.00 42.00 29.40 19.40 115 210 360 28B1250-000 28A5776-0A2 (1.150) (0.787) (1.654) (1.157) (0.764) Any information furnished by Laird Technologies, Inc. and its agents are believed to be accurate and reliable. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Responsibility for the use and application of Laird Technologies materials rests with the end user. Laird Technologies makes no warranties as to the fitness, merchantability, suitability or non- infringement of any Laird Technologies materials or products for any specific or general uses. Laird Technologies shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind. All Laird Technologies products are sold pursuant to the Laird Technologies Terms and Conditions of sale in effect from time to time, a copy of which will be furnished upon request. Copyright 2020 Laird Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Laird, Laird Technologies, the Laird Technologies Logo, and other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Laird Technologies, Inc. or an affiliate company thereof. Other product or service names may be the property of third parties. Nothing herein provides a license under any Laird Technologies or any third-party intellectual property rights. www.laird.com Americas: +1 866.928.8181 Europe: +44. (0).8031.2460.0 Asia: +86.755.2714.1166 Laird Performance Materials Enables High-Performance Electronics X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for EMI Kits category: Click to view products by Laird Performance Materials manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : GS PROTOTYPE KIT-COMM KIT02 KIT04 FSLK-CARRY KIT03 KIT18 EMC-A205 EKDMGN03A-KIT EKDMAT01A-KIT EKDMGN01A-KIT 331001 742700 0199000029 EK28B0032 EK33B0011 0199001401 EMI ENG KIT 01 EMI ENG KIT 02 FXS ENG KIT 02 FXS ENG KIT 03 FXS ENG KIT 04 MS-ENG-KIT21 EKDMAT03-KIT EKDMGN02A-KIT Magnetic Sheet Sample kit 742711 742790 742791 0199000028 0199000032 0199000034 742841 0199000043 EMC-A201 742722 782013 7449982 744998 B72482S9999X2 0199000005 0199000017 0199000018 0199000019 0199000027 0199000030 0199000031 0199000033 0199000036 0199000039 0199010301