Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
RGA Series
105, 2,000 hours assured
105 standard series for general purposes
RoHS Compliance
If there is any requirement on ESR, its suggested to use low
ESR series instead of RGA. Please consult us for any inquiry.
Sleeve & Marking Color: Black & White
6.3~400V 450V
Category Temperature Range
-40 ~ +105 -25 ~ +105
20% (at 120Hz, 20)
Capacitance Tolerance
Rated voltage 100V 100V
after 2 minutes after 5 minutes
Leakage Current (at 20)
I = 0.01CV or 3 (A) CV 1,000 CV 1,000
Leakage Current
whichever is greater
I = 0.03CV + 15(A) I = 0.02CV + 25(A)
Where, C = rated capacitance in F V = rated DC working voltage in V
Rated Voltage 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450
Tan (at 120 Hz, 20)
Tan (max) 0.23 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.17 0.20 0.25 0.25
When the capacitance exceeds 1,000F, 0.02 shall be added every 1,000F increase.
Impedance ratio shall not exceed the values given in the table below.
Rated Voltage 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450
Z(-25) D 16 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
3 6 8 12 14 16
Low Temperature
Impedance /Z(+20) D 16 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 3
Characteristics (at 120Hz)
Z(-40) 8 6 6 4 4 3 3 3
4 8 10 16 18 -
/Z(+20) D16
12 10 8 8 8 8 6 6
Test Time 2,000 Hrs
Capacitance Change Within 20% of initial value
Endurance Tan Less than 200% of specified value
Leakage Current Within specified value
* The above specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 after the rated voltage applied with rated
ripple current for 2,000 hours at 105.
Test Time 1,000 Hrs
Capacitance Change Within 20% of initial value
Tan Less than 200% of specified value
Shelf Life Test
Leakage Current Within specified value
* The above specifications shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 after exposing them for 1,000 hours at
105 without voltage applied. The rated voltage shall be applied to the capacitors before the measurements for 160 ~ 450V
(Refer to JIS C 5101-4 4.1).
Freq. (Hz)
60 (50) 120 500 1k 10k up
Cap. (F)
Ripple Current and
Under 100 0.70 1.00 1.30 1.40 1.50
Frequency Multipliers
100 C 1,000
0.75 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.35
1,000 up above 0.80 1.00 1.10 1.12 1.15
Diagram of Dimensions
Vent 6.3
L+ max.
Lead Spacing and Diameter Unit: mm
D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 22 25
P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10 12.5
d 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0
L<20: 1.5, L20: 2.0
15 min.
4 min.
Sleeve 0.5
The case size of 12.516, 1616, 1620, 1816, 1820 and 1825 are suitable for below diagram:
Vent L+ max.
15 min. 4 min.
All product specifications in the catalog are subject to change without notice. (CAT. 2019E1)
d d
P0.5Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
Dimension: D L(mm)
Dimension and Permissible Ripple Current Ripple Current: mA/rms at 120 Hz, 105
Rated Volt.
6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C) 25V (1E) 35V (1V) 50V (1H) 63V (1J) 100V (2A)
Cap.(F) Contents
2.2 2R2 511 20 511 30
3.3 3R3 511 30 511 31
4.7 4R7 511 33 511 36
10 100 511 50 6.311 54
6.311 93
22 220 511 78 6.311 86
811.5 99
33 330 511 75 511 90 6.311 100 811.5 130
6.311 130
47 470 511 97 511 90 6.311 120 1012.5 165
811.5 141
1020 265
100 101 511 110 6.311 142 6.311 150 811.5 188 1012.5 235
12.516 290
12.525 440
220 221 511 140 6.311 175 6.311 190 811.5 236 811.5 270 1012.5 300 1016 335
1616 420
811.5 310 1020 510
330 331 6.311 200 811.5 270 1012.5 350 1016 410 1625 620
1012.5 335 12.516 460
1020 530 12.520 640 1631.5 715
470 471 6.311 230 811.5 290 811.5 310 1012.5 380 1016 460
12.516 425 1616 665 1825 745
1020 680 12.520 810 12.525 950
1,000 102 811.5 380 1012.5 460 1016 560 1625 930 1840 1,275
12.516 590 1616 720 1620 830
1625 1,260 1635.5 1,470
2,200 222 1016 690 1020 760 12.516 780 12.525 1,110 1840 2,280 2545 2,400
1820 1,110 1831.5 1,520
1020 840 12.520 1,100 12.525 1,170 1625 1,440 1631.5 1,420
3,300 332 1835.5 1,770 2240 2,510
12.516 850 1616 940 1616 950 1820 1,220 1825 1,570
12.520 1,090 12.525 1,260 1620 1,185 1631.5 1,650
4,700 472 1835.5 1,900 2240 2,340 2540 3,000
1616 1,010 1616 1,060 1816 1,290 1825 1,550
12.525 1,460 1631.5 1,930 1640 2,000
6,800 682 1620 1,270 1840 2,250 2540 2,530
1620 1,190 1820 1,585 1835.5 2,160
1631.5 2,220 1635.5 2,210 2240 2,720
10,000 103 1620 1,340
1825 1,800 1831.5 2,330 1845 2,410
1631.5 2,365 1831.5 2,620
15,000 153 1840 2,950 2540 3,200
1825 2,290 1635.5 2,590
1640 2,800
22,000 223 1840 3,230 2240 3,460
1835.5 2,930
33,000 333 1845 3,080 2240 4,090 2545 4,500
Rated Volt.
160V (2C) 200V (2D) 250V (2E) 350V (2V) 400V (2G) 450V (2W)
Cap.(F) Contents
1 010 6.311 21 811.5 27
2.2 2R2 6.311 30 6.311 35 6.311 35 811.5 39 811.5 39
3.3 3R3 6.311 39 6.311 40 811.5 43 811.5 45 811.5 45
811.5 45 811.5 50 811.5 50
4.7 4R7 6.311 43 811.5 45
1012.5 55 1012.5 55 1012.5 55
10 100 811.5 65 811.5 65 1012.5 92 1016 95 1016 95 1020 105
22 220 1012.5 110 1016 140 1016 140 12.520 220 12.520 160 12.520 160
12.525 215 1620 225
33 330 1016 150 1020 170 12.516 175 1620 225
1616 205 1816 220
12.520 230 1625 280
47 470 1020 195 12.516 215 1620 255 1625 295
1616 245 1820 285
12.520 265 1825 360 1825 360 1635.5 400
68 680 12.520 275 1620 320
1616 290 1631.5 370 1631.5 375 1831.5 420
1620 365 1625 425 1831.5 460
100 101 12.525 355 1835.5 540 1840 560
1816 360 1820 415 1635.5 430
1631.5 550
150 151 1625 470 1820 510 1840 600 2240 730 2240 770
1825 535
2540 865
220 221 1631.5 660 1831.5 750 1835.5 760 2245 930
2245 850
330 331 1835.5 820 1840 965 2240 1,140 2545 1,070
470 471 2240 1,130 2240 1,130 2540 1,325
Part Numbering System
Pb-free and PET
RGA Series 470F 20% 6.3V Bulk Package Gas Type
RGA 471 M 0J BK - 0611
Capacitance Rated Lead Configuration Rubber Lead Wire and
Series Name Capacitance Case Size
Tolerance Voltage & Package Type Sleeve type
Note: For more details, please refer to Part Numbering System (Radial Type) on page 13.
All product specifications in the catalog are subject to change without notice. (CAT. 2019E1)