Tweezer Wallet Sets
for Precision Work
Fine tip tweezer set, 2 pcs Titanium tweezer set, 4 pcs Strong tip tweezer set, 2 pcs
General purpose tweezer set, 5 pcs SMD tweezer set, 7 pcs
Since 1856, Lindstrom has developed and refined preci- In addition to general assembly applications, our tweezer
sion hand tools to perfection. Our tweezers offer optimal wallets offer handling solutions for SMD placement and
balance, tip alignment, and symmetry as well as a wide removal, medical device production, laboratory applica-
variety of materials and designs to meet the most tions, and ESD-sensitive components. Additional wallet
sophisticated and demanding requirements. benefits include tip protection, safe tweezer storage and in-
Tweezer wallets are offered in five different sets to ac- ventory storage.
commodate a broad range of applications. Our most Custom tweezer wallet configurations are available upon
popular models are included in each Tweezer Wallet set. request. Please refer to our LINDSTROM PRECISION
TOOLS CATALOGUE for a complete tweezer assortment.Tweezer Wallet Assortment
Product Weight Part No. Description
code g / ounces
SMD tweezer set, 7 pcs
9854 140 / 4.94 TL 5C-SA Fine, double-bent tips.
TL 5-SA Extra fine tips.
TL SM 101-SA Reverse action. Soldering and
desoldering 8, 14, or 16 leads SMDs.
TL SM 102-SA Reverse action. Soldering and desoldering 20,
28, 44, and 68 LCCC and PLCC pad devices.
TL SM 107-SA For positioning flat devices at 60 angle.
TL SM 108-SA Grooved tips for positioning and soldering
1 mm wide components.
TL SM 115-SA Grooved tips, 30 angle.
High precision tweezer set, 5 pcs
9855 115 / 4.06 TL SS-SA Slender, long-fine tips.
TL AA-SA Strong fine tips.
TL 2A-SA Flat round tips.
TL 4A-SA Extra fine tips.
TL 7A-SA Strong curved tips.
Titanium tweezer set, 4 pcs
9856 75 / 2.65 TL 3C-TA Very sharp tips.
TL 3-TA Very fine, sharp tips.
TL 5-TA Extra fine tips.
TL AA-TA Strong fine tips.
Fine tip tweezer set, 2 pcs
9858 60 / 2.12 TL AA-SA Strong fine tips.
TL SS-SA Slender, long-fine tips.
Strong tip tweezer set, 2 pcs
9859 75 / 2.12 TL 00B-SA Strong tips and serrated grips.
TL 2A-SA Flat profile with round tips.
Material designations
-SA ESD-safe stainless, antimagnetic, anti-acidsteel.
-TA ESD-safe lightweight, high-temperature (1600/870C) titanium.
180 mm 20 mm
110 mm 10 mm 65 mm 8 mm
(7.09 in) (0.78 in)
(4.33 in) (0.39 in) (2.57 in) (0.31 in)
7 pcs 4/5 pcs 2 pcs
200 mm
200 mm 200 mm
(7.87 in)
(7.87 in) (7.87 in)
Please see the Lindstrom Precision Tools Catalogue for advanced tools, assembly, rework, service, and repair.
Company name
ML-9006-UK. ReklamCenter 01065. Graphium VA 2001.05. 4000