Varistor Products Surface Mount Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) > AUML Series RoHS AUML Varistor Series Description The AUML Series of Multilayer Transient Surge Suppressors was specically designed to suppress the destructive transient voltages found in an automobile. The most common transient condition results from large inductive energy discharges. The electronic systems in the automobile, e.g. antilock brake systems, direct ignition systems, engine control, airbag control systems, wiper motor controls, etc., are susceptible to damage from these voltage transients and thus require protection. The AUML transient suppressors have temperature independent suppression characteristics affording protection from -55C to 125C. The AUML suppressor is manufactured from semiconducting Size Table ceramics which offer rugged protection and excellent transient energy absorption in a small package. The devices Metric EIA are available in ceramic leadless chip form, eliminating lead inductance and assuring fast speed of response to transient surges. These Suppressors require signicantly smaller 3225 space and land pads than Silicon TVS diodes, offering greater circuit board layout exibility for the designer. 4532 1812 Also see the Littelfuse ML, MLN and MLE Series of Multilayer Suppressors. Applications Features t & 2 DPNQMJBOU t )JHI QFBL TVSHF t 4VQQSFTTJPO PG t WJEFT PO CPBSE PS 1 current capability inductive switching transient voltage t P)4 PNQMJBOU 3 or other transient protection for ICs t SPmMF DPNQBDU X 1 P - t PBE %VNQ FOFSHZ - events such as & 5 and transistors industry standard rated per SAE and surge voltage at F IJQ TJ D t F W IJF 6TFE UP IFMQ BD Specication J1113 the circuit board level FT BOE 4J electromagnetic t BDF FBEMFTT TVSG - t PS &4% QSPUFDUJPO G compliance of t *OIFSFOU CJEJSFDUJPOBM mount chip form components sensitive end products clamping .*- UP *& t FBE w - i FSP t BDF FQMBDF MBSHFS TVSG 3 t YZ /P 1MBTUJD PS FQP 5% .FUIPE 4 Inductance 574 FOFST JO NPVOU packaging assures BOE PUIFS many applications t BSJFU Z PG FOFSHZ 7 UFS UIBO 7 CFU industry specications ratings available ammability rating (See Also the MLE t VSF /P UFNQFSBU PS .-/ 4FSJFT derating up to 125C ambient Absolute Maximum Ratings B WJDF 3 PS SBUJOHT PG JOEJWJEVBM NFNCFST PG B TFSJFT TFF %F t IBSU UJOHT BOE 4QFDJmDBUJPOT D Continuous AUML Series Units Steady State Applied Voltage: PMU BOHF 7 BHF 3 7 % 18 V . % Transient: PBE 8 - %VNQ &OFSHZ 1.5 to 25 J -% VNQ + 4U BSU BQBCJMJU Z NJOVUFT 7 24.5 V +6.1 O BOHF 5 VSF 3 FNQFSBU 5NCJFOU 0QFSBUJOH -55 to +125 C A O BOHF 5 VSF 3 FNQFSBU 5 4UPSBHF UP C STG O Temperature Coefficient (D PMU BHF 7 7 7 PG MBNQJOH FTU SFOU VS 5 BU 4QFDJGJFE %/ C C CAUTION: Stresses above those listed in Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress only rating and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specication is not implied. 2010 Littelfuse, Inc. AUML Varistor Series Specications are subject to change without notice. Revision: September 14, 2010 Please refer to for current information. AUML Series Varistor Products Surface Mount Multilayer Varistors (MLVs) > AUML Series Device Ratings and Specications C C Maximum Ratings (125 ) Specications (25 ) Maximum Jump Start Load Dump Nominal Varistor Voltage Maximum Maximum Clamping Continuous Voltage Energy at 10mA Standby Leakage Voltage (V ) at C Part Number DC Voltage (5 Min) (10 Pulses) DC Test Current (at 13V DC) Test Current (8/20s) V V W V Min V Max I V I . % +6.1 -% / % / % L C 1 (V) (V) (J) (V) (V) (A) (V) (A) 6. 7 18 24.5 1.5 23 32 1.5 6. 7 18 24.5 23 32 1.5 V18AUMLA1812 18 24.5 23 32 6. 7 18 24.5 25 23 32 PVS -JUF 7 BOE 7 BQQMJDBUJPOT QMFBTF DPOU PS BVUPNPUJWBDU Z PS UIF MBUF UFMGVTF DPN G MJU F PS WJTJU XXXUFMGVTF SFQSFTFOU BUJW TU QSPEVDU update. NOTES: DFFE 8 Y FS EJTTJQBUJPO PG USBOTJFOUT OPU UP F X FSBHF QP W BOE SF FT PS NPEFM TJ 8 BOE 8 G 8 FMZ TQFDUJW PMU PBE %VNQ FOFSHZ SBUJOH JOUP UIF TVQQSFTTPS PG B WBHF U - NT UP NT SBOTJFOU XJUI B SFTVMU BOU UJNF DPOTU BOU PG L DBQBCJMJU Z QFS .JM 4UE .FUIPE IFSNBM TIPD 5 YU I F NJOVUFT BU FBD DMFT Z NJOVUFT BU UP SFNF UFMG PS BQQMJDBUJPO TQFDJmD SFRVJSFNFOUT QMFBTF DPOU BDU -JU VTF Current, Energy and Power Derating Curve Peak Pulse Current Test Waveform for Clamping Voltage FSBHF W 8IFO USBOTJFOUT PDDVS JO SBQJE TVDDFTTJPO UIF B U TFDPOET QFS QVMTF BU FS EJTTJQBUJPO JT UIF FOFSHZ X X QP 100 times the number of pulses per second. The power so developed must be within the specications shown on the PS UIF TQFDJmD BCMF G 5 BUJOHT BOE IBSBDUFSJTUJDT WJDF 3 %F device. Certain parameter ratings must be derated at high 50 temperatures as shown below. 0 T 100 O TIME 1 90 T 1 80 T 2 70 Figure 2 60 F W B 8 VBM 0SJHJO PG 7JSU 50 1 FBL UP PG 1 5JNF GSPN 5 40 30 T5 Y 5JNF 3JTF 1 20 T 5JNF Z %FDB 2 10 Example PS BO PSN FG W B 8 SFOU T VS 0 8s = T 5JNF 3JTF 1 -55 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 s = T 5JNF Z %FDB o 2 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ( C) Figure 1 Maximum Leakage Current/Clamping Voltage Curve for Typical V-I Characteristics of the V18AUMLA2220 at -40C, AUML Series at 25C 25C, 85C and 125C 100 MAXIMUM LEAKAGE MAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE 100 1210/1206 1812 2220 1210/1206 o -40 C 10 o 10 25 C 1812 2220 o 85 C o 125 C 1 1 1A 10A 100A 1mA 10mA 100mA 1A 10A 100A 1000A 100mA 100A 10A 100A 1mA 10mA 1A 10A CURRENT CURRENT Figure 3 Figure 4 2010 Littelfuse, Inc. AUML Varistor Series Specications are subject to change without notice. Revision: September 14, 2010 Please refer to for current information. VOLTAGE PERCENT OF RATED VALUE VOLTAGE PERCENT OF PEAK VALUE