.The BL-63B Development Boards / Development Kits RoHS by MACHINE INTELLIGENCE is a fully-featured development platform designed for the prototyping of powerful, cost-effective, and reliable embedded systems. The board is designed for prototyping low power, high-performance solutions utilizing ARM Cortex-A8/A9 SoC technology. The board features an onboard 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor combined with a multimedia coprocessor for video and 3D graphics acceleration, accelerated encryption, embedded security, and IoT support. The board offers a wide range of peripheral interfaces including Ethernet, USB, serial ports, and CAN bus. It also includes various onboard sensors including accelerometer, pressure, humidity and thermal sensors. Furthermore, it includes an Android development environment and pre-installed Android applications that make it easy to try out your projects. This makes the board also suitable for development of products that require high performance, scalability, and low power.