XR17V358 HIGH PERFORMANCE OCTAL PCI EXPRESS UART APRIL 2015 REV. 1.0.5 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Single 3.3V power supply 1 The XR17V358 (V358) is a single chip 8-channel PCI Express (PCIe) UART (Universal Asynchronous Internal buck regulator for 1.2V core Receiver and Transmitter), optimized for higher PCIe 2.0 Gen 1 compliant performance and lower power. The V358 serves as a single lane PCIe bridge to 8 independent enhanced x1 Link, dual simplex, 2.5 Gbps in each direction 16550 compatible UARTs. The V358 is compliant to Expansion bus interface PCIe 2.0 Gen 1 (2.5 GT/s). EEPROM interface for configuration In addition to the UART channels, the V358 has 16 multi-purpose I/Os (MPIOs), a 16-bit general purpose Global interrupt status register for all eight UARTs counter/timer and a global interrupt status register to Up to 31.25 Mbps serial data rate optimize interrupt servicing. 16 multi-purpose inputs/outputs (MPIOs) Each UART of the V358 has many enhanced features such as the 256-bytes TX and RX FIFOs, 16-bit general purpose timer/counter programmable Fractional Baud Rate Generator, Sleep mode with wake-up Indicator Automatic Hardware or Software Flow Control, Auto RS-485 Half-Duplex Direction Control, programmable Eight independent UART channels controlled with TX and RX FIFO Trigger Levels, TX and RX FIFO 16550 compatible register Set Level Counters, infrared mode, and data rates up to 256-byte TX and RX FIFOs 31.25 Mbps. The V358 is available in a 176-pin Programmable TX and RX Trigger Levels FPBGA package (13 x 13 mm). TX/RX FIFO Level Counters NOTE 1: Covered by U.S. Patents 5,649,122, 6,754,839, Fractional baud rate generator 6,865,626 and 6,947,999 Automatic RTS/CTS or DTR/DSR hardware flow control with programmable hysteresis APPLICATIONS Automatic Xon/Xoff software flow control Next generation Point-of-Sale Systems RS-485 half duplex direction control output with programmable turn-around delay Remote Access Servers Multi-drop with Auto Address Detection Storage Network Management Infrared (IrDA 1.1) data encoder/decoder Factory Automation and Process Control Software compatible to XR17C15x, XR17D15x, XR17V25x PCI UARTs Multi-port RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 Cards FIGURE 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE XR17V358 TX+ Configuration TX- T X 7:0 Space UAUAUA RTRTRT Ch Ch Ch aaannn nnn eeelll 000 T X 7:0 B uck R egulator Registers RX+ 256-6644-- bbbytyytte Tee TX TXX FFIFIIFFOFOO RX- UUUARTARTART R X 7:0 IRIRIR RX 7:0 CLK+ ReReRegggsss TXTTXX & & & RRXRXX EEENDENDENDECCC CLK- BRBRBRGGG 256-64-64- bbyytte Re RXX F FIIFFOO 125 M H z C lo ck RTRTSS 77::00 CLKREQ PCIe PERST P C I Lo cal UAUA RTRT Ch Ch aann nn eell 11 Interface DTDTRR 77::00 Bus UAUA RTRT Ch Ch aann nn eell 22 EN 485 Interface CC TT SS 7 7 :0:0 ENIR UAUA RTRT Ch Ch aann nn eell 33 GGG lllobaobaoballl DD SS RR 7 7 :0:0 EECK CCConfonfonfiiigurgurguraaatttiiiononon UAUA RTRT Ch Ch aann nn eell 44 Configuration Space RRR egegegiiistststererersss EEDI EEEEEEPROPROPRO MMM Registers UAUA RTRT Ch Ch aann nn eell 55 EEDO DDCCDD 77::0 0 IIInnnttterererfffaceaceace EECS UAUA RTRT Ch Ch aann nn eell 66 RRII 77::0 0 D 7:0 UAUA RTRT Ch Ch aann nn eell 77 SEL MPMMIPPOIOIO 1 7 75::0:00 MMMululultttiii---purpurpurposposposeee 161616---bbbiiittt Expansion CLK IIInnnputputputsss///OOO utututputputputsss TiTiTimmm eeerrr///CCCountountounteeerrr In terface IN T C rystal O sc/B u ffer MODE PRES TMTM RRCCKK Exar Corporation 48720 Kato Road, Fremont CA, 94538 (510) 668-7000 FAX (510) 668-7017 www.exar.com XR17V358 HIGH PERFORMANCE OCTAL PCI EXPRESS UART REV. 1.0.5 FIGURE 2. 176-FPBGA PINOUT A1 Corner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R Transparent Top View 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NC TX5 RI4 GND CTS4 TX4 DSR2 GND RTS2 TMRCK TEST2 GND LX LX NC A CD5 DTR5 CTS5 CD4 DTR4 RX4 CD2 DTR2 RX2 ENIR TEST1 GND VCC33 VCC33 VCC33 B MPIO0 RI5 DSR5 RTS5 DSR4 RTS4 RI2 CTS2 TX2 EN485 FB GND VCC33 ENABLE D0 C MPIO2 MPIO1 RX5 GND VCC33 GND VCC12 GND VCC33 GND VCC12 GND PWRGD INT D2 D MPIO5 MPIO4 MPIO3 VCC12 VCC33 D1 D3 D4 E GND TEST0 MPIO6 GND GND D5 D6 D7 F RX+ RX- GND CLK+ VCC12 SEL CLK MODE G GND GND REXT CLK- GND RI1 PRES GND H TX+ TX- GND GND VCC33 DTR1 DSR1 CD1 J GND VCC12 VCC33 VCC12 GND RTS1 RX1 CTS1 K CLKREQ PERST MPIO7 GND VCC12 CD0 RI0 TX1 L GND MPIO8 MPIO11 MPIO14 TMS GND VCC33 GND VCC12 GND CD7 EEDO RX0 DSR0 GND M MPIO9 MPIO12 MPIO15 TRST TX3 CTS3 CD3 RI3 DSR6 TX7 CTS7 RI7 TX0 CTS0 DTR0 N MPIO10 MPIO13 TCK TDO RTS3 DTR3 RTS6 RX6 DTR6 Ri6 RX7 DTR7 EECK EEDI RTS0 P NC RESET TDI GND RX3 DSR3 TX6 GND CTS6 CD6 RTS7 GND DSR7 EECS NC R ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER PACKAGE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE DEVICE STATUS XR17V358IB176-F 176-FPBGA -40C to +85C Active 2