MUX MUX MUX MUX XOR XRT91L31 STS-12/STM-4 OR STS-3/STM-1 SONET/SDH TRANSCEIVER SEPTEMBER 2018 REV. 1.0.3 synchronize the transmit section timing. The device GENERAL DESCRIPTION can internally monitor Loss of Signal (LOS) condition The XRT91L31 is a fully integrated SONET/SDH and automatically mute received data upon LOS. An transceiver for SONET/SDH 622.08 Mbps STS-12/ on-chip SONET/SDH frame byte and boundary STM-4 or 155.52 Mbps STS-3/STM-1 applications. detector and frame pulse generator offers the ability The transceiver includes an on-chip Clock Multiplier recover SONET/SDH framing and to byte align the Unit (CMU), which uses a high frequency Phase- receive serial data stream into the 8-bit parallel bus. Locked Loop (PLL) to generate the high-speed APPLICATIONS transmit serial clock from a slower external clock reference. It also provides Clock and Data Recovery SONET/SDH-based Transmission Systems (CDR) function by synchronizing its on-chip Voltage Add/Drop Multiplexers Controlled Oscillator (VCO) to the incoming serial data stream. The internal CDR unit can be disabled Cross Connect Equipment and bypassed in lieu of an externally recovered ATM and Multi-Service Switches, Routers and received clock from the optical module. Either the Switch/Routers internally recovered clock or the externally recovered clock can be used for loop timing applications. The DSLAMS chip provides serial-to-parallel and parallel-to-serial SONET/SDH Test Equipment converters using an 8-bit wide LVTTL system interface in both receive and transmit directions. DWDM Termination Equipment The transmit section includes an option to accept a parallel clock signal from the framer/mapper to FIGURE 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF XRT91L31 STS-12/STM-4 or STS-3/STM-1 TRANSCEIVER PISO TXOP/N TXDI 7:0 Re-Timer (Parallel Input Serial Output) 8 ENB ENB TXPCLK IO Div by 8 REFCLKP/N CMU RLOOPS ALOOP TTLREFCLK DLOOP CDRAUXREFCLK SIPO RXDO 7:0 (Serial Input CDR RXIP/N Parallel Output) 8 XRXCLKIP/N RXPCLKO Div by 8 Control Block Clock Control Loop Filters 1 CAP1P CAP2P CAP1N CAP2N Reset STS-12/STS-3 LOOPTIME RLOOPS DLOOP ALOOP OOF FRAMEPULSE DLOSDIS LOSEXT CMUFREQSEL CDRREFSEL CDRDIS PIO CTRLXRT91L31 STS-12/STM-4 OR STS-3/STM-1 SONET/SDH TRANSCEIVER REV. 1.0.3 FEATURES Targeted for SONET STS-12/STS-3 and SDH STM-4/STM-1 Applications Selectable full duplex operation between STS-12/STM-4 standard rate of 622.08 Mbps or STS-3/STM-1 155.52 Mbps Single-chip fully integrated solution containing parallel-to-serial converter, clock multiplier unit (CMU), serial- to-parallel converter, clock data recovery (CDR) functions, and a SONET/SDH frame and byte boundary detection circuit Ability to disable and bypass onchip CDR for external based received reference clock recovery thru Differential LVPECL input pins XRXCLKIP/N 8-bit LVTTL parallel data bus paths running at 77.76 Mbps in STS-12/STM-4 or 19.44 Mbps in STS-3/STM-1 mode of operation Uses Differential LVPECL or Single-Ended LVTTL CMU reference clock frequencies of either 19.44 MHz or 77.76 MHz for both STS-12/STM-1 or STS-3/STM-1 operations Optional use of 77.76 MHz Single-Ended LVTTL input for independent CDR reference clock operation Able to Detect and Recover SONET/SDH frame boundary and byte align received data on the parallel bus Diagnostics features include LOS monitoring and automatic received data mute upon LOS Provides Local, Remote and Split Loop-Back modes as well as Loop Timing mode Optional flexibility to re-configure the transmit parallel bus clock output to a clock input and accept timing signal from the framer/mapper device to permit the framer/mapper device time domain to be synchronized with the transceiver transmit timing. Meets Telcordia, ANSI and ITU-T G.783 and G.825 SDH jitter requirements including T1.105.03 - 2002 SONET Jitter Tolerance specification, Bellcore TR-NWT-000253 and GR-253-CORE, GR-253 ILR SONET Jitter specifications. Complies with ANSI/TIA/EIA-644 and IEEE P1596.3 3.3V LVDS standard, 3.3V LVPECL, and JESD 8-B LVTTL and LVCMOS standard. Operates at 3.3V with 3.3V I/O Less than 660mW in STS-3/STM-1 mode or 800mW in STS-12/STM-4 mode Typical Power Dissipation Package: 10 x 10 x 2.0 mm 64-pin QFP 2