MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) is a popular form of meditation and mindfulness practice that was developed in 1979 by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. It is an eight-week program that uses mindfulness meditation and mindful yoga to teach patients to better recognize and manage their physical, emotional, and psychological reactions to stress. The 16276 part of MBSR focuses on the following topics:
1. Foundations of Mindfulness: This section introduces participants to an understanding of mindfulness, brings clarity on the aims and purpose of MBSR, and outlines the structure and format of the program.
2. Body Scan: The body scan is a specific practice of mindfulness awareness, where participants bring focused attention to one area of the body at a time for a period of several minutes.
3. Sitting Meditation: Sitting meditation focuses on the process of coming into the present moment and observing the breath with an attitude of kindness, curiosity, and acceptance.
4. Mindful Movement & Yoga: This practice helps participants connect to and explore their bodies in a mindful and gentle way, strengthening body awareness and physical well-being.
5. Working with Distractions & Difficulties: This session explores the basic idea of acceptance of thoughts and feelings as they arise within the present moment, as well as strategies for managing difficult emotional experiences.
6. Everyday Mindfulness: This session covers topics such as communication, values, and purpose, with a focus on recognizing and making meaningful connections between everyday activities and mindfulness.
7. Working with Stress: This module provides strategies for developing creative responses to stressful situations, and provides a forum to explore the impact of stress on particular physical and mental health issues.
8. Wellbeing & Renewal: This final week focuses on integrating mindfulness and other accumulated experiences into living a balanced, meaningful, and purposeful life.