X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 8241-WX50 Pre-Saturated Wipes across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 8241-WX50 Pre-Saturated Wipes are a product manufactured by Metz. We provide cost-effective solutions for Pre-Saturated Wipes, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

8241-WX50 Metz

8241-WX50 electronic component of Metz
Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON
Product Image X-ON

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No.8241-WX50
Manufacturer: Metz
Category: Pre-Saturated Wipes
Description: ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL WIPE, 5" X 6", PK50; Wipe Material:Biodegradable Paper; Wipe Width:5"; Wipe Length:6"; Product Range:-; SVHC:No SVHC (27-Jun-2018) Price is per individual piece not per pack/tube
Datasheet: 8241-WX50 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)

Shipping Restricted
Availability Price Quantity
MOQ : 50
Multiples : 50
50 : USD 0.962
500 : USD 0.873
1000 : USD 0.8552

Shipping Restricted
Product Category
Wipe Material
Wipe Width
Wipe Length
Product Range
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the 8241-WX50 from our Pre-Saturated Wipes category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 8241-WX50 and other electronic components in the Pre-Saturated Wipes category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image 824-450G
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 824-500ML
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Stock Image 824-WX25
Pre-Saturated Wipes 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol Wipe - Individual Packs
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Stock Image 824-WX50
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 824-WX500
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Stock Image 8242-K
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Stock Image 825-500G
Chemicals GLASS CLEANER 500G (18.5 oz) AERSL
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Stock Image 830-05511
Dry Wipes Kimtech Precision Wipes, for fiber optic cleaning, 280 wipes per box
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Stock Image 826-450G
Chemicals STATICOFF Antistatic Foaming Cleaner
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image 4351-1L
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Stock Image D4N4122
LIMIT SWITCH, SPST-NC/NO, 240VAC, 3A; Limit Switch Actuator:Roller Lever; Contact Configuration:SPST-NC, SPST-NO; Contact Current AC Max:3A; Contact Voltage AC Max:240V; Operating Force Max:5N; Product Range:D4N Series; Contact Current DC Max:270mA; Contact Voltage DC Max:250V; SVHC:No SVHC (07-Jul-2017)
Stock : 34
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Stock Image D4N412H
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Stock Image D4N4180
Stock : 2
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Stock Image D4NS8DF
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Stock Image F3STGRNMPC2105
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Stock Image F3STGRNMPC2110
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Stock Image F3STGRNMPC21M1J8
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Stock Image F3STGRNMPR2105
Stock : 3
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Stock Image F3STGRNMPR2110
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8241 70/30 isopropyl alkohol utrky pro elektroniku MG Chemicals UK Limited - CZE Kd nebezpe: 3 Verze Ne:4.4 Datum vydn:13/09/2016 Safety Data Sheet (Odpovd nazen (ES) . 2015/830) Vytiskni datum:13/09/2016 L.REACH.CZE.CS ODDL 1 IDENTIFIKACE LTKY/SMSI A SPOLENOSTI/PODNIKU 1.1. Identifiktor vrobku Identifikace ltky nebo 8241 70/30 isopropyl alkohol utrky pro elektroniku ppravku Synonyma SDS Code: 8241-W, 8241-WX25, 8241-WX50, 8241-WX500 Pojmenovn Ltek SOLIDS or mixtures of solids (such as preparations and wastes) CONTAINING FLAMMABLE LIQUID, N.O.S. having a flash-point up to 60 C (contains Pepravy isopropanol) Jin zpsob identifikace Nedostupn 1.2. Pslun uren pouit ltky nebo smsi a nedoporuen pouit Pslun uren pouit elektronika ist ltky nebo smsi Pouv Nedoporuovan Neaplikovateln 1.3. Podrobn daje o dodavateli bezpenostnho listu Nzev spolenosti MG Chemicals UK Limited - CZE MG Chemicals (Head office) Adresa Heame House, 23 Bilston Street, Sedgely Dudley Dy3 1JA United Kingdom 9347 - 193 Street Surrey V4N 4E7 British Columbia Canada Telefon +(44) 1663 362888 +(1) 800-201-8822 Fax Nedostupn +(1) 800-708-9888 Webov strnky Nedostupn www.mgchemicals.com Email Nedostupn Info mgchemicals.com 1.4. Telefonn slo pro nalhav situace Sdruen / Organizace CHEMTREC Nedostupn Telefon pro nouzov stav +(420) 228880039 Nedostupn Dal telefonn sla +(1) 703-527-3887 Nedostupn tsovho voln ODDL 2 IDENTIFIKACE NEBEZPENOSTI 2.1. Klasifikace ltky nebo smsi Povaovna za nebezpenou sms podle smrnice 1999/45/ES, prav. (ES) . 1272/2008 (v ppad poteby) a jejich zmny. Klasifikovn jako nebezpen pro dopravn ely. Klasifikace podle nazen Podrdn o Kategorie 2, STOT - SE (Narkza) Kategorie 3, Vysoce holav kapalina a pry. 1 (ES) . 1272/2008 CLP 1. Klasifikovny podle Chemwatch 2. Klasifikace erpny z ES smrnice 67/548/EHS - Ploha I 3. Klasifikace nataen od smrnice ES 1272/2008 - ploha Legenda: VI 2.2. Prvky oznaen CLP prvky oznaen SIGNLN SLOVO NEBEZPE Nebezpenosti (y) H319 Zpsobuje vn podrdn o. H336 Me zpsobit ospalost nebo zvrat. H225 Vysoce holav kapalina a pry. Continued...Verze Ne:4.4 Page 2 of 9 Datum vydn:13/09/2016 Vytiskni datum:13/09/2016 8241 70/30 isopropyl alkohol utrky pro elektroniku Doplujc pkaz (y) Neaplikovateln Bezpenostn Prkazy: Prevence P210 Chrate ped teplem/jiskrami/otevenm plamenem/horkmi povrchy. Zkaz kouen. P271 Pouvejte pouze venku nebo v dobe vtranch prostorch. P240 Uzemnte obal a odbrov zazen. P241 Pouvejte elektrick/ventilan/osvtlovac zazen do vbunho prosted. P243 Provete preventivn opaten proti vbojm statick elektiny. P261 Zamezte vdechovn mlhy/ par/aerosol. P280 Pouvejte ochrann rukavice/ochrann odv/ ochrann brle/obliejov tt. Bezpenostn Prkazy: Odpov P370+P378 V ppad poru: K haen pouijte pna odoln alkoholu nebo normln protein pna. PI ZASAEN O: Nkolik minut opatrn vyplachujte vodou. Vyjmte kontaktn oky, jsou-li nasazeny a pokud je lze vyjmout snadno. Pokraujte ve P305+P351+P338 vyplachovn. P312 Nectte-li se dobe, volejte TOXIKOLOGICK INFORMAN STEDISKO nebo lkae. P337+P313 Petrvv-li podrdn o: Vyhledejte lkaskou pomoc/oeten. P303+P361+P353 PI STYKU S K (nebo s vlasy): Veker kontaminovan sti odvu okamit svlknte. Oplchnte ki vodou/osprchujte. P304+P340 PI VDECHNUT: Peneste postienho na erstv vzduch a ponechte jej v klidu v poloze usnadujc dchn. Bezpenostn Prkazy: Skladovn P403+P235 Skladujte na dobe vtranm mst. Uchovvejte v chladu. P405 Skladujte uzamen. P403+P233 Skladujte na dobe vtranm mst. Uchovvejte obal tsn uzaven. Bezpenostn Prkazy: Odstrann P501 Odstrate obsah/obal v souladu s mstnmi pedpisy. 2.3. Dal nebezpenost REACH - Art.57-59: Sms neobsahuje ltky vzbuzujc velmi velk obavy (SVHC) na SDS datu tisku. ODDL 3 SLOEN/INFORMACE O SLOKCH 3.1.Ltky Viz Sloen o slokch v bodu 3.2 3.2.Smsi 1.CAS 2.EC No % Hmotnost Jmno Klasifikace podle nazen (ES) . 1272/2008 CLP 3.Indexov slo 4.REACH Ne 1.67-63-0 2.200-661-7 3 70 iso-Propanol Vysoce holav kapalina a pry., Podrdn o Kategorie 2, STOT - SE (Narkza) Kategorie 3 H225, H319, H336 3.603-117-00-0 4.01-2119457558-25-XXXX Legenda: 1. Klasifikovny podle Chemwatch 2. Klasifikace erpny z ES smrnice 67/548/EHS - Ploha I 3. Klasifikace nataen od smrnice ES 1272/2008 - ploha VI 4. Klasifikace erpny z C & L ODDL 4 POKYNY PRO PRVN POMOC 4.1. Popis prvn pomoci Jestlie pijde tato ltka do styku s k nebo vlasy: Omyjte ki a vlasy tekouc vodou (a mdlem, je-li kdispozici). Drd-li ltka dl, vyhledejte lkaskou pomoc. Jestlie se tato ltka dostane do styku s okem: Okamit vymyjte oko tekouc vodou. Zajistte kompletn vyplchnut oka tak, e podrte vkozvednut a stranou od oka a obasnm zvednutm a pohybem spodnho a hornhovka. Obecn Jestlie bolest petrvv nebo se vrac vyhledejte lkaskoupomoc. Vyjmut kontaktnch oek po zrann oka by mla provdtjen zrun osoba. Vdechnete-li dmy nebo splodiny opuste zamoen zem. Dal opaten jsou vtinou zbyten. Okamit podejte sklenici vody. Prvn pomoc nen obecn nutn. Pi pochybch kontaktujteCentrum jed nebo lkae. Jestlie se tato ltka dostane do styku s okem: Okamit vymyjte oko tekouc vodou. Kontakt s okem Zajistte kompletn vyplchnut oka tak, e podrte vkozvednut a stranou od oka a obasnm zvednutm a pohybem spodnho a hornhovka. Jestlie bolest petrvv nebo se vrac vyhledejte lkaskoupomoc. Continued...

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