ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System SAI Global File 004008 Burlington, Ontario, Canada 410 Safety Data Sheet Section 1: Identification Product Identifier and Other Means of Identification Product Identifier: 410 Other Means of Identification: Ammonium Persulfate Related Part 410-1KG 410-25KG Recommended Use and Restriction on Use Use: For etching printed circuits Uses Advised Against: Not available Details of Manufacturer or Importer Manufacturer MG Chemicals MG Chemicals (Head Office) 1210 Corporate Drive 9347-193 Street Burlington, Ontario L7L 5R6 Surrey, British Columbia V4N 4E7 CANADA CANADA +1-800-340-0772 +1-905-331-1396 FAX +1-800-340-0773 FAX +1-905-331-2682 E-MAIL support E-MAIL info WEB E-MAIL (Competent Person): sds Emergency Phone Number For hazardous material incidents ONLY (leaks, spills, fires, exposures or accidents) USA or CANADACall Verisk 3E at +1-866-519-4752 or +1-760-476-3962 (Service access code: 335388) For emergencies involving the transport of dangerous goods 24/7 service CANADACall CANUTEC collect at +1-613-996-6666 or *666 on cellular phones Page 1 of 15 Date of Revision: 26 February 2020 / Ver. 2.02 ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System SAI Global File 004008 Burlington, Ontario, Canada 410 Section 2: Hazard(s) Identification Classification of Hazardous Chemical GHS Categories Criteria Category Signal Pictograms Word Sensitization Respiratory 1 Danger Health Oxidizing solids 2 Danger Flame over circle Sensitization Skin 1 Warning Exclamation Eye Irritation 2 Warning Exclamation Skin Irritation 2 Warning Exclamation Specific Target Organ Toxicity Single Exposure 3 Warning Exclamation Acute Toxicity Oral 4 Warning Exclamation Note: The degree of severity is ranked within each hazard class from 1 (Highest Severity) to up to 5 (Lowest Severity), which is opposite to HMIS and NFPA conventions. Severity category rankings do not allow comparisons between classes. Label Elements Signal Word DANGER Pictograms Hazard Statements H334: May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled H272: May intensify fire oxidizer Section continued on the next page Page 2 of 15 Date of Revision: 26 February 2020 / Ver. 2.02