product catalog aerospace automotive prototyping marine telecommunication maintenanceWho is MG Chemicals M.G. Chemicals is a manufacturer and wholesaler of chemical products for the electronics industry. Our chemical products include dusters and circuit coolers, electronic cleaners, flux removers, contact cleaners, protective coatings, epoxies, adhesives, RTV silicones, lubricants, EMI/ RFI shielding coatings, thermal management products, prototyping supplies, solders, and more. We also distribute related non-chemical products, such as wipes, swabs, brushes, desoldering braid, and copper clad boards. Since 1955, M.G. Chemicals has provided the North American electronics Quality industry with a full line of high performance chemicals and accessories. The Assurance M.G. Chemicals manufacturing facility operates under the ISO 9001 Qual- ity System Standard. All products undergo M.G. Chemicals design process including the testing and analysis of each product to maximize performance, user safety, environmental safeguards and market desirability. M.G. Chemicals lists complete handling, environmental, safety and shipping MSDS information for each product on Material Safety Data Sheets. MSDSs are Access available at or by fax. We will endeavor to provide our customers with the requested information Technical they need with prompt and courteous attention. We offer help on our website Support and with our techsupport hotline at 1-800-201-8822. M.G. Chemicals products are offered in IATA tested and United Nations Shipping approved high performance shipping cartons for ease of transport any- & Handling where in the world. M.G. Chemicals products are readily available through electronic dis- Product tribution in North America and internationally. Please visit our website Availability for the closest stocking distributor in your area. Customer care is what separates M.G. Chemicals from the rest. Our Customer commitment to all of these principles focus on getting you the quality Care product and support you deserve.