The 24AA01H-I/ST is a 1KB Serial EEPROM from Microchip Technology. It is an 8-pin device available in an 8-pin, 2mm x 3mm DFN package. It offers I2C interface, access times of 5 ms, a single power supply voltage range of 1.7V to 5.5V and is capable of up to 10MHz data transfer rate. The product is designed to be a simple non-volatile memory solution with flexible memory capacities. It features up to 200,000 write cycles and up to 1 million erase cycles. Its Write Protection feature ensures that data written to any non-volatile address will remain in non-volatile memory. It is available in two configurations, IAP and ST, the latter of which features an additional Status Register with advanced features such as erase verifying and position interrupt that allows the system to detect program operation progress. The 24AA01H-I/ST is ideal for applications such as serial number storage, identification data storage, and system configuration data storage.