X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of DM163014 Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. DM163014 Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC are a product manufactured by Microchip. We provide cost-effective solutions for Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

DM163014 Microchip

DM163014 electronic component of Microchip
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See Product Specifications
Part No.DM163014
Manufacturer: Microchip
Category: Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC
Description: Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC PICDEM 4
Datasheet: DM163014 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 131.7765 ea
Line Total: USD 131.78 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Fri. 27 Dec to Thu. 02 Jan
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 131.7765

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We are delighted to provide the DM163014 from our Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the DM163014 and other electronic components in the Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
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Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC PICDEM Lab II Development Platform
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Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC PICDEM Mechatronics
Stock : 0
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Hot Stock Image DM163025-1
Dev.kit: Microchip PIC; Family: PIC18; Comp: PIC18F45K50,TC77
Stock : 2
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Stock Image DM163024
Ethernet Development Tools PICDEM.net 2 Demo Board
Stock : 0
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Stock Image DM163045
Development Boards & Kits - PIC DSPIC PICDEM Lab Dev Kit (with PICkit 3)
Stock : 0
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Stock Image DM163030
Microchip Technology Development Boards & Kits - PIC DSPIC PICDEM LCD 2 Dvel Kit
Stock : 3
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Stock Image DM163022-1
Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC PICDEM 2 Plus
Stock : 0
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Stock Image DM163022
Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC PICDEM 2 Plus
Stock : 0
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Stock Image DM164120-3
Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC PICkit 2 Count Demo Board
Stock : 0
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Stock Image DM164120-4
Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC PICkit 2 1 Dem Board
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image TDGL025
Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC chipKIT Cmod Development Board
Stock : 2
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Development Boards & Kits - PIC DSPIC chipKIT Uno32 Development Board
Stock : 0
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Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC chipKIT Fubarino Mini Development Board
Stock : 3
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Stock Image 27291
Development Boards & Kits - PIC DSPIC OEM BASIC STAMP KIT
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Stock Image AC244033
Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC PIC18F14K22-ICE Processor Ext Pak
Stock : 0
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Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC chipKIT Mx3
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Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC chipKIT Max32 Prototyping Platform
Stock : 0
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Stock Image DM164130-5
Development Boards & Kits - PIC DSPIC F1 LV Eval. Pltfrm
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Stock Image DM164120-3
Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC PICkit 2 Count Demo Board
Stock : 0
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Stock Image DM320003-2
Development Boards & Kits - PIC / DSPIC Starter Kit II PIC32 USB
Stock : 0
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PICDEM 4 Demonstration Board Summary The PICDEM 4 Demonstration Board supports Microchip s low pin-count PICmicroFLASH microcontrollers,including the PIC16F and PIC18F families featuring nanoWatt Technology. NanoWatt Technology refers to Microchip s advanced PMOS Electrically Erasable Cell (PEEC) process technology, circuit design, manufacturing and application techniques. The PICDEM 4 Demonstration Board can be used to evaluate and demonstrate the capabilities of Microchip s 8-, 14- and 18-pin PIC12F, PIC16F and PIC18F microcontrollers. The demonstration board showcases many features of low pin-count parts, including Local Interconnect Network (LIN) and motor control features using the enhanced capture/compare/PWM module (ECCP). Low-power operation is achieved with a supercapacitor circuit and jumpers allow the on-board hardware to be disabled to eliminate current draw in this mode. Features: Key features of the PICDEM 4 Demonstration Board Tutorial firmware and samples of a PIC16F and PIC18F include: FLASH microcontroller are included to assist the user in becoming familiar with the PICDEM 4 Demonstration RS-232 interface. Board and to demonstrate the unique features of the 2x16 liquid crystal display supported devices. For 129, designers receive a In-circuit debugger (ICD) connector for programming demonstration tool that offers multiple socket options via In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) for increased flexibility and immediate programming and technology or developing with the MPLAB ICD 2 debugging. Eight (8) LEDs, four (4) potentiometers, three (3) By connecting the PICDEM 4 Demonstration Board to an push buttons MPLABICD 2, a designer can develop, simulate, debug PCB footprints for an EEPROM,H-Bridge motor and download code to the microcontroller using driver and LIN transceiver Microchip s powerful graphical MPLAB Interactive Development Environment (IDE). MPLAB IDE is a Support for crystal, RC or canned oscillator modes. seamless, integrated software development environment Support for either 9-volt power adapter or battery, that includes a MPASM macro assembler, MPLAB SIM or hooks for a 5-volt, 100 mA regulated DC supply software simulator with symbolic debugger, color-coded Generous prototyping area and header for source editor,project manager with high-level language expansion. debugging and concurrent support for development tools, including low-cost in-circuit debuggers, full-featured real-time emulators and programmers. The consistent and easy-to-use graphic user interface of the MPLAB desktop allows for rapid switching between development, debugging and programming modes within a project. The MPLAB ICD 2 (DV164007) is available separately. Microchip s MPLAB IDE software can be downloaded free of charge from the Microchip web site.Package Contents: Host System Requirements: PICDEM 4 PCB PC Compatible system with an Intel Pentiumclass or higher processor, or equivalent Serial cable A minimum of 16 MB RAM Two PICmicro FLASH microcontroller samples A minimum of 40 MB available hard drive space CD-ROM containing sample programs, application notes and user s guide CD-ROM drive Available serial port Microsoft Windows98, Windows 2000 or Windows XP PICDEM 4 Product Offering Part Number Description Price Availability DM163014 Supported Devices: PIC12F629, PIC12F675, PIC16F630, PIC16F676, 129 May 2003 PIC16F684, PIC16F627A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F648A, PIC16F818, PIC16F819, PIC16F87, PIC16F88, PIC18F1220, PIC18F1320 Development Tools from Microchip MPLABIDE Integrated Development Environment (IDE) MPASM Assembler Universal PICmicro macro-assembler MPLINK Linker/MPLIB Librarian Linker/Librarian MPLAB C17 C compiler for PIC17CXXX MCUs MPLAB C18 C compiler for PIC18CXXX MCUs MPLAB SIM Simulator Software Simulator MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger MPLAB ICE 2000 Full-featured modular in-circuit emulator PICSTARTPlus Programmer Entry-level development kit with programmer PRO MATEII Device Programmer Full-featured, modular device programmer KEELOQEvaluation Kit Encoder/Decoder evaluator KEELOQ Transponder Evaluation Kit Transmitter/Transponder evaluator microID Developers Kit 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz RFID development tools MCP2510 CAN Developers Kit MCP2510 CAN evaluation/development tool Europe Americas Asia/Pacific Atlanta (770) 640-0034 Australia 61-2-9868-6733 Austria 43-7242-2244-399 Boston (978) 692-3848 China Beijing 86-10-85282100 Denmark 45-4420-9895 Chicago (630) 285-0071 China Chengdu 86-28-86766200 France 33-1-69-53-63-20 Dallas (972) 818-7423 China Fuzhou 86-591-7503506 Germany 49-89-627-144-0 Detroit (248) 538-2250 China Hong Kong SAR 852-2401-1200 Italy 39-0331-742611 Kokomo (765) 864-8360 China Qingdao 86-532-5027355 United Kingdom 44-118-921-5869 Los Angeles (949) 263-1888 China Shanghai 86-21-6275-5700 Phoenix (480) 792-7966 China Shenzhen 86-755-82901380 As of 3/25/03 San Jose (408) 436-7950 India 91-80-2290061 Toronto (905) 673-0699 Japan 81-45-471- 6166 Korea 82-2-554-7200 Singapore 65-6334-8870 Taiwan 886-2-2717-7175 Microchip Technology Inc. 2355 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 USA (480) 792-7200 FAX(480) 792-4150 The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, KEELOQ, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE and PowerSmart are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. FilterLab, microID, MXDEV, MXLAB, PICMASTER, SEEVAL and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Accuron, Application Maestro, dsPIC, dsPICDEM, dsPICDEM.net, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, microPort, Migratable Memory, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, MPSIM, PICC, PICkit, PICDEM, PICDEM.net, PowerCal, PowerInfo, PowerMate, PowerTool, rfLAB, rfPIC, Select Mode, SmartSensor, SmartShunt, SmartTel and Total Endurance are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. Serialized Quick Turn Programming (SQTP) is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. 2003, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. 4/03 DS51339A *DS51339A*

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