X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of DM240314 Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. DM240314 Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC are a product manufactured by Microchip. We provide cost-effective solutions for Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

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DM240314 Microchip
DM240314 Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC
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See Product Specifications
Part No. DM240314
Manufacturer: Microchip
Category: Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC
Description: Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC LCD Explorer Dev Brd
Datasheet: DM240314 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 114.66 ea
Line Total: USD 114.66 
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Ship by Wed. 19 Mar to Fri. 21 Mar
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Pack Size: 1
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Ship by Wed. 19 Mar to Fri. 21 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 219.1497

Ship by Wed. 19 Mar to Fri. 21 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 114.66

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We are delighted to provide the DM240314 from our Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the DM240314 and other electronic components in the Development Boards & Kits - PIC/DSPIC category and beyond.

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Introducing the LCD Explorer Demonstration Board Overview The LCD Explorer Demonstration Board is the latest 8-Common LCD Board for evaluation of the PIC24F and PIC18F LCD devices. The board comes with a PIC24FJ128GA310 PIM and has a PICtail Plus connector to showcase the PICtail Plus with the LCD microcontroller. Future devices with the 8-Common and 1/3 biasing will be supported on this demonstration board. Features Eight Common LCD glass Supports 1/3 biasing with: Americas Asia/Pacific Europe - External resistor ladder Atlanta - 678-957-9614 Australia - Sydney - 61-2-9868-6733 Austria - Weis - 43-7242-2244-39 - Internal resistor ladder Boston - 774-760-0087 China - Beijing - 86-10-8569-7000 Denmark - Copenhagen - 45-4450-2828 - Charge pump biasing with capacitor Chicago - 630-285-0071 China - Chengdu - 86-28-8665-5511 France - Paris - 33-1-69-53-63-20 - Supports software as well as hardware contrast control Cleveland - 216-447-0464 China - Chongqing - 86-23-8980-9500 Germany - Munich - 49-89-627-144-0 Dallas - 972-818-7423 China - Hangzhou - 86-571-2819-3187 Italy - Milan - 39-0331-742611 - Hardware RTCC support Detroit - 248-538-2250 China - Hong Kong SAR - 852-2401-1200 Netherlands - Drunen - 31-416-690399 -VBAT operation during VDD loss, RTCC can run on VBAT without VDD Indianapolis - 317-773-8323 China - Nanjing- 86-25-8473-2460 Spain - Madrid - 34-91-708-08-90 - Analog pot to display the A/D capability Los Angeles - 949-462-9523 China - Qingdao - 86-532-8502-7355 UK - Wokingham - 44-118-921-5869 - Temperature sensor to display temperature using A/D Phoenix - 480-792-7200 China - Shanghai - 86-21-5407-5533 Santa Clara - 408-961-6445 China - Shenyang - 86-24-2334-2829 - PICtail Plus expansion connector for easy system evaluation with the (1) Toronto - 905-673-0699 China - Shenzhen - 86-755-8203-2660 11/29/11 PICtail Plus daughter cards China - Wuhan - 86-27-5980-5300 CTMU switch to showcase touch sensing China - Xian - 86-29-8833-7252 Four switches implemented for software demonstration China - Xiamen - 86-592-2388138 China - Zhuhai - 86-756-3210040 Three ways to power the board: India - Bangalore - 91-80-3090-4444 Using the 9V power supply India - New Delhi - 91-11-4160-8631 Through a USB connector India - Pune - 91-20-2566-1512 Japan - Osaka - Tel: 81-66-152-7160 Using two AAA batteries (not recommended for PICtail Plus) Japan - Yokohama - 81-45-471-6166 Connector for VBAT current measurement Korea - Daegu - 82-53-744-4301 Korea - Seoul - 82-2-554-7200 Note 1: Only the upper slot can be used for the PICtail Plus. Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur - 60-3-6201-9857 Malaysia - Penang - 60-4-227-8870 Demonstration Software Operation Philippines - Manila - 63-2-634-9065 1. Scrolling Banner: In this mode, the LCD will scroll text, displaying the features of Singapore - 65-6334-8870 Taiwan - Hsin Chu - 886-3-5778-366 the device on the board. Pressing Switches, S3 or S4, will increase or decrease Taiwan - Kaohsiung - 886-7-213-7830 the speed of the scroll and Switch S1 or S2 will take the code to the voltmeter. Taiwan - Taipei - 886-2-2500-6610 2. Voltmeter: This mode uses the A/D module to measure the voltage of the R20 Thailand - Bangkok - 66-2-694-1351 pot through the analog channel. A voltage between 0.00V and VDD is displayed on the LCD using the LCD module. The voltage is continually updated until the mode is exited by pressing either S1 or S2 (which will go to Mode 4 or Mode 2). 3. Thermometer: This mode uses the A/D module to measure the temperature using TC1047AVNBTR, and converts to temperature, both in Celsius and Fahrenheit. The temperature is displayed on the LCD using the LCD module. Temperature is continually updated until the mode is exited by pressing either S1 or S2. Microchip Technology Inc. 2355 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 4. Clock: In this mode, the hardware RTCC runs and displays the time on the www.microchip.com LCD screen until the mode is exited by pressing either S1 or S2. The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo and MPLAB are registered trademarks of Microchip 5. Software Contrast: This mode will showcase the software contrast control and Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. PICtail and PICkit are trademarks of Microchip will display the variation by changing the bias levels through software. The Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are mode is exited by pressing either the S1 or S2 switch. The software, docu- property of their respective companies. 2011, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A. mentation, firmware and other material for this demo can be downloaded from: All Rights Reserved. 12/11 Introducing the LCD Explorer Demonstration Board LCD Explorer Development Board Schematic VDD Vcc R1 R2 100K No Load R3 VBAT RA1/TCK S1 470 Ohm C1 C2 VDD R4 0.1 F 10 F R5 No Load 100K R6 RA5/TDO S2 470 Ohm JP8 VDD VDD R27 R7 JP9 RC13 Vcc J1 No Load 100K 1 75 RG15 SEG51 R12 R8 R28 2 74 RA4/TDI Vcc RC14 10K S3 470 Ohm No Load VDD 3 73 Y2 LCDBIAS2 4 72 C20 32 kHz C21 LCDBIAS1 SEG17 RD0 C3 R9 5 71 R13 LCDBIAS0 SEG16 RD11/PMPCS1 33 pF 33 pF 100K SW1 470 nF 1 49.9K 6 70 2 R10 RC1 SEG32 SEG15 RD10/PMPCS2 LCDBIAS3 3 RB7 7 69 S4 470 Ohm RC2 SEG52 SEG14 RD9 4 R11 D1 8 68 5 RC3 SEG33 SEG13 RD8 LCDBIAS2 Vcc 6 S5 9 470 Ohm 67 RC4 SEG53 SEG43 RA15/INT4 C4 VDD 7 R14 10 66 8 RG6/PAPA5/SCK2 SEG0 SEG42 RA14/INT3 R17 49.9K LCDBIAS1 9 470 nF 11 R24 65 No Load VLCAP1 10 4.7K 12 64 11 VLCAP2 OSCO LCDBIAS0 Y3 12 R25 13 8MHz 63 OSCI EG4208A MCLR C5 S6 R15 VLCAP1 14 62 C25 1K Vcc RG9/PMPA2/SS2 SEG1 49.9K C6 470 nF 15 61 0.1 F C23 C24 RA5/TDO R23 1M 47 nF 16 60 22 pF 22 pF Vcc RA4/TDI VLCAP2 17 59 JP1 RA0/TMS SEG49 SEG57 RA3/SDA2 C8 18 58 RE8/INT1 SEG34 SEG56 RA2/SCL2 470 nF 19 57 RE9/INT2 SEG35 SEG28 RG2/SCL1 20 56 RB5 SEG2 SEG47 RG3/SDA1 21 55 RB4/AN4 SEG3 RF6/SCK1 22 54 RB3/AN3 SEG4 RF7/SDI1 23 53 SEG5 SEG41 RF8/SDO1 RB2/SS1/AN2 24 52 RB1/AN1 SEG6 SEG40 RF2/U1RX 25 51 RB0/AN0 SEG7 SEG12 RF3/U1TX J2 C7 U1 1 VBUS VBUS 0.1 F 1 20 2 VDD VDD VSS D- 2 19 3 OSC1 D+ D+ Y1 12.0 MHz 3 18 4 Vcc Vcc Vcc OSC2 D- U2 R18 Default R16 4 17 5 2 VOUT RD9 VDD VUSB UART RST 10K C9 5 16 1 3 100 Ohm C22 VDD VDD VSS GP7/TxLED GP0/SSPND 66 PICtail C10 6 15 ShShiieelldd TC1047AVNBTR 1uF GP6/RxLED GP1/USBCFG Plus 0.1 F J3 J4 7 14 GP5 GP2 0.1 F R19 100 Ohm 1 1 P1 MCLR MCLR 8 13 RF4/PMPA9/U2RX 2 1 RF5/PMPA8/U2TX GP4 CTS 2 2 VDD VDD 4 3 9 12 6 5 GP3 RX C11 3 3 VDD 10 11 TX RTS 4 4 RB4/AN4 RB4/AN4 0.1 F R20 R21 5 5 MCP2200-I/SS RB11/PMPA12 RB5 RB5 470 Ohm 6 10K C12 6 JP3 R26 MCLR 0.1 F PICkit 2 D2 1N4148WS-7-F ICD LCD1 No Load JP4 1 19 RB4/AN4 1 SEG8 RB14/PMPA1 1A-1G, T1 33A-33G,37D RG14 SEG60 COM1 1 2 COM2 2 20 SEG9 RB15/PMPA0 2A-2G,T2 34A-34G, 37E RG12 SEG61 COM3 3 4 COM4 TP6 TP7 3 21 SEG10 RF4/PMPA9/U2RX 3A-3G, T3 35A-35G, 37F RG13 SEG62 COM5 5 6 COM6 U4 4 22 BT1 SEG11 RF5/PMPA8/U2TX 4A-4G, T4 36A-36G, 37G RE4/PMPD4 SEG63 COM7 7 8 COM8 3 4 5 23 +9V VIN VOUT +5V SEG15 RD10/PMPCS2 5A-5G, T5 29A-29G, T29 RA2/SCL2 SEG56 SEG8 RB14/PMPA1 9 10 RB15/PMPA0 SEG9 2 6 24 VOUT SEG16 RD11/PMPCS1 6A-6G, T6 28A-28G, T28 RF12/U2CTS SEG55 SEG10 RF4/PMPA9/U2RX 11 12 RF5/PMPA8/U2TX SEG11 JP2 C26 7 25 C27 VBAT SEG17 RD0 7A-7G, T7 27A-27G, T27 RF13/U2RTS SEG54 SEG15 RD10/PMPCS2 13 14 RD11/PMPCS1 SEG16 1 8 26 GND SEG19 RB13/PMPA10 8A-8G,T8 26A-26G, T26 RC2 SEG52 SEG17 RD0 15 16 RB13/PMPA10 SEG19 47 F 9 27 0.1 F SEG20 RD1 9A-9G,T9 25A-25G, T25 RG15 SEG51 SEG24 RD5/PMPRD 17 18 RD1 SEG20 10 28 TP2 LM1117IMP-5.0/NOPB CR2032 SEG21 RD2 10A-10G,T10 24A-24G, T24 RA0/TMS SEG49 SEG25 RD6 19 20 RD2 SEG21 TP1 TP2 11 29 SEG22 RD3/PMPBE 11A-11G, T11 23A-23G, T23 RD13 SEG45 SEG26 RD7 21 22 RD3/PMPBE SEG22 12 30 SEG23 RD4/PMPWR 12A-12G, T12 19A-19G, T19 RA10/PMPA6 SEG37 SEG32 RC1 23 24 RD4/PMPWR SEG23 +3.3V VDD 13 31 SEG42 RA14/INT3 20A-20G, T20 18A-18G, T18 RA9/PMPA7 SEG36 SEG33 RC3 25 26 RA14/INT3 SEG42 D6 D3 U3 14 32 SEG43 RA15/INT4 21A-21G, T21 17A-17G, T17 RC3 SEG33 SEG36 RA9/PMPA7 27 28 RA15/INT4 SEG43 JP5 1 5 15 33 VBUS VIN VOUT Vcc SEG44 RD12 22A-22G, T22 16A-16G, T16 RC1 SEG32 SEG37 RA10/PMPA6 29 30 RD12 SEG44 16 34 SEG57 RA3/SDA2 30A-30G, 37A 15A-15G, T15 RD7 SEG26 SEG45 RD13 31 32 RA3/SDA2 SEG57 C13 FYV0704SMTF C19 2 C14 FYV0704SMTF C15 C16 17 35 VSS SEG58 RA6 31A-31G, 37B 14A-14G, T14 RD6 SEG25 SEG49 RA0/TMS 33 34 RA6 SEG58 18 36 C28 SEG59 RA7 32A-32G, 37C 13A-13G, T13 RD5/PMPRD SEG24 SEG51 RG15 35 36 RA7 SEG59 1 F 1 F 3 4 1 F 0.1 F 2.2 F 4.7 F SHDN NC SEG52 RC2 37 38 RG14 SEG60 44 40 COM0 RE3/PMPD3 1 2 COM1 COM1 COM5 SEG54 RF13/U2RTS 39 40 RG12 SEG61 VDD MCP1802T-3302I/OT 43 39 COM1 RE2/PMPD2 3 4 COM2 COM2 COM6 SEG55 RF12/U2CTS 41 42 RG13 SEG62 42 38 COM2 RE1/PMPD1 5 6 COM3 COM3 COM7 SEG56 RA2/SCL2 43 44 RE4/PMPD4 SEG63 +9V 41 37 J5 COM3 RE0/PMPD0 7 8 COM4 COM4 COM8 D7 D8 P4 COM4 RG9/PMPA2/SS2 9 10 COM5 SW2 1 D4 1 2K VDD COM5 RB10/PMPA13 11 12 COM6 2 R22 +5V TP5 COM6 RB9/AN9 13 14 COM7 3 C17 C18 FYV0704SMTF B1 3 FYV0704SMTF B2 COM7 RB8/AN8 15 16 COM8 Power AAA 2 47 F AAA 4 P3 +3.3V TP3 0.1 F Indicator PJ-002BH-SMT 5 R29 0 Ohm COM1 RE3/PMPD3 COM1 6 R30 0 Ohm COM2 RE2/PMPD2 COM2 R31 0 Ohm EG1390B TP4 D5 COM3 RE1/PMPD1 COM3 R32 0 Ohm COM4 RE0/PMPD0 COM4 JP6 R33 0 Ohm COM5 RG9/PMPA2/SS2 COM5 0 Ohm R34 Optional COM6 COM6 RB10/PMPA13 Battery R35 0 Ohm PCB Battery CR2032 COM7 RB9/AN9 COM7 R36 0 Ohm COM8 COM8 RB8/AN8 Mech Shorting Jumper2 Rubber Feet 5 DS52026A 26 100 LCDBIAS3 SEG63 RE4/PMPD4 27 99 RB7 COM0 RE3/PMPD3 28 98 RA9/PMPA7 SEG36 COM1 RE2/PMPD2 29 97 RA10/PMPA6 SEG37 SEG62 RG13 96 30 SEG61 RG12 95 31 SEG60 RG14 94 32 RB8/AN8 SEG31 COM2 RE1/PMPD1 93 33 RB9/AN9 SEG30 COM3 RE0/PMPD0 34 92 RB10/PMPA13 SEG29 SEG59 RA7 35 91 RB11/PMPA12 SEG58 RA6 36 90 SEG50 RG0 37 89 RG1 SEG45 38 88 RA1/TCK RF1 SEG48 39 87 RF13/U2RTS SEG54 RF0 SEG27 40 86 RF12/U2CTS SEG55 41 85 RB12/PMPA11 SEG18 42 84 RB13/PMPA10 SEG19 SEG26 RD7 43 83 RB14/PMPA1 SEG8 SEG25 RD6 44 82 RB15/PMPA0 SEG9 SEG24 RD5/PMPRD 45 81 SEG23 RD4/PMPWR 46 80 SEG45 RD13 47 79 RD14/U1CTS SEG38 SEG44 RD12 48 78 RD15/U1RTS SEG39 SEG22 RD3/PMPBE 77 49 RF4/PMPA9/U2RX SEG10 SEG21 RD2 50 76 RF5/PMPA8/U2TX SEG11 SEG20 RD1

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