The MCP6C04T-100E/CHY is an integrated circuit from Microchip featuring a high-side current sense amplifier with a zero-drift design for improved accuracy. This current sense amplifier has a low-cost, low profile, small package size, and is intended for use in many applications like over-current, over-voltage, under-voltage, and over-temperature protection. The current sense amplifier has a maximum operating voltage of 35V, an operating temperature range of -40°C to +125°C, and a bandwidth of 1MHz. The MCP6C04T-100E/CHY provides good accuracy, low noise, low input bias current, wide gain range, and low power consumption. With its zero-drift design, it is able to maintain a constant gain and offset voltage over temperature and time. This device is suitable for applications that require error detection, control, and monitoring of the system.