The PIC24FJ128GA704-I/PT is a mid-range, 16-bit microcontroller unit (MCU) from Microchip. It features 128 KB of Flash memory, 8 KB of SRAM, and runs at a maximum frequency of 16 MIPS. It has 16 I/O lines, up to 12 16-bit timers, six serial communications channels, three 16-bit capture/compare/PWM peripherals, and four serial communication channels. The MCU also features Internal 10-bit A/D Converters with up to 16 analog inputs, 10 Analog Comparators, and Power-On Reset (POR). It has an operating voltage range of 2 to 3.6V and features Watchdog Timer with windowed and non-windowed operation. It is housed in a 64-pin TQFP package and is ideal for a wide range of applications such as automotive, industrial, home & building automation, and communications.