The PIC32MK0512GPG064-E/PT is a 32-bit microcontroller with 512K Flash, General Purpose version, no CAN-FD, and 64-pin TQFP packaging, manufactured by Microchip. This device uses the PIC32MK architecture, providing a powerful 32-bit processor with high performance, low power consumption, real-time performance, and hardware security features. It has a MIPS 32-bit M4K Core with 0.7-ns Instruction Cycle Time, 512 KB Flash, 48KB SRAM, and modifiable clock speed between 8-100Mhz. It offers integrated peripherals such as 3 universal parallel communication ports, five serial communication ports, two I2C/SPI ports, 15-ch 10-Bit ADC, 7- Timers/Counters, 2 Input Capture, 2 Output Compare/PWMs, 32 Basic I/O pins for external connections, and an integrated oscillator and PLL for clock interface. The device also includes additional features such as low power sleep and watchdog timer and several security features such as secure boot, non-volatile memory protection, and clock-manipulation detection.