The PIC32MX130F064B-V/SP with 32-bit Microcontrollers - MCU 32B MCU 64KB FL 16KB RAM 40MHz 28Pin is a microcontroller manufactured by Microchip. It is built on the PIC32MX1 architecture and is designed to provide a variety of embedded applications with high performance, low power consumption, and an extensive set of peripherals. The device has a 64 KB embedded Flash memory, 16 KB RAM, and 40 MHz maximum frequency operating frequency. It is based on a 32-bit MIPS-M4K core architecture and has 28-pin packages with a minimum feature size of 1.0 mm. The built-in peripherals support a range of I/O and communications protocols, such as USB, SPI, UART, I2C, and CAN bus, all of which are accessible through four user-selectable open-drain ports. Furthermore, several application-specific features such as analog and digital timer, low-voltage operation, wake-up control, and integrated analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion are included.