The PIC32MX130F128LT-50I/PF is a 32-bit microcontroller with 100 TQFP packaging and 128KB of Flash memory. It contains 16KB of RAM and is manufactured by Microchip. It features an MIPS32 M4K-core running at 50MHz and includes intelligent peripherals such as a 2.0 USB module, ADC, a 10-bit DAC, 1.2MSPS SAR ADC, and a Timer/Counter module. Additionally, it has built-in isolation feature, high Temp Range, Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs), CAN bus, and a temperature maintenance module. The PIC32MX130F128LT-50I/PF is perfect for applications that require speed, flexibility, and system integration. Its small size and low power consumption make it a suitable choice for portable and battery-powered devices.