The PIC32MX150F256L-V/PF is a 32-bit microcontroller manufactured by Microchip. It has 256 KB of Flash, 32 KB of RAM, I2S, CTMU, UART, and ADC. It is designed for low-power, low-cost applications. The PIC32MX150F256L-V/PF features real-time debugging, fast interrupt processing, peripheral control and signal processing. The processor includes two 16-bit Timer/Counters, one 8-bit Timer/Counter, two capture/compare/PWM modules, one 48 MHz 32-bit real-time clock, and one 10-bit ADC. The PIC32MX150F256L-V/PF is suitable for applications including smart lighting, toys and games, portable media players, white goods, and LCD displays. The microcontroller supports USB, Ethernet, I2C, SPI, UART, CAN and LIN protocols. The PIC32MX150F256L-V/PF is available in a 40-pin QFN package.