TechnologyThe PIC32MX210F016D-V/TL is a 32-bit microcontroller manufactured by Microchip Technology. It has a 16kB of Flash memory, 4KB of RAM, and operates at a maximum clock frequency of 40MHz. It also includes a USB controller, Charge Time Multiplier Unit (CTMU) and four independent Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels, which provide high-speed data transfer and peripheral control. The PIC32MX210F016D-V/TL is well-suited for automotive, industrial, and embedded applications, as it integrates the powerful, low-power MIPS32® M4K core with advanced peripherals, 1.6V to 3.6V operating range, and integrated power control logic. With the USB controller, it enables fast debugging with PICkit, ICD, programming devices, and can be used for embedded USB peripheral development.