The PIC32MX230F128H-V/PT is a 32-bit microcontroller with 128KB of on-chip Flash memory, 16KB of RAM, I2S, CTMU, UART, and ADC interfaces manufactured by Microchip. It features 32-bit MIPS M4K® core powered by the MIPS® 32-bit architecture. It has an advanced, tightly-coupled tracking CTMU for on-chip capacitive touch sensing, along with multiple input/output (I/O) ports and numerous peripheral controls. It comes with pre-programmed security features and multi-vector interrupts, providing safety and reliability. Additionally, the PIC32MX230F128H-V/PT also features a wide variety of analog peripherals including an on-chip Comparator module, ten-channel, 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) with internal Reference, and an Audio/Speech Interpolator (ASI).