The PIC32MX274F256B-V/SO is a 32-bit Microcontroller from Microchip equipped with 256KB of Flash memory, 64KB of RAM, and a 28-pin package. It integrates a USB port, three Comparators, a Charge Time Measurement Unit, and a Real-Time Clock and Calendar for real-time clock and calendar functions. This microcontroller has the ability to operate from a wide range of operating voltages from 1.8V to 3.6V, so it can be used in a wide range of applications. Other features include a highly optimized MIPS32 Architecture for 32-bit performance with low power consumption, five general-purpose timers, and plenty of I/O and communication channels. With its combination of high performance, low power usage, and ample I/O and communication channels, this microcontroller is great for a variety of embedded applications.