The PIC32MX274F256D-V/PT is a 32-bit microcontroller manufactured by Microchip that includes a256KB Flash memory, 64KB RAM, 44 GPIO pins, USB, three comparators, CTMU (Charge Time Measurement Unit), and an RTCC (Real Time Clock/Calendar). It features a powerful 32-bit MIPS M4K processor core that is capable of executing instructions at up to 80MHz performance. The Flash memory and RAM can both be extended as needed. The 44 GPIO pins are distributed around the chip in two banks and feature dedicated analog lines and support alternate functions which can reduce I/O pin count for complex applications. The USB functions are compliant with USB 2.0 and provides support for device, host, and OTG modes. The three analog comparators are available for analog signal monitoring functions with programmable hysteresis and windowing. The CTMU function provides precise timing and pulse width measurements for signal and power management. The RTCC can be used for long-term date and time recording applications.