The PIC32MX530F128L-50I/PT is a 32-bit Microcontroller (MCU) with 128K Flash, 16K RAM, I2S, and CTMU, manufactured by Microchip. It is an MCU optimized for cost and performance that enables higher performance and better system integration. It features a 32-bit MIPS M4K core, peripheral features for advanced connectivity and low-power operation, optimized debugging tools for fast hardware-assisted debug and programming, and performance at an amazing price. It runs at 50 MHz, with 128K Flash, 16K RAM and I2S (1MByte/sec) for a wide range of multimedia applications. This 32-bit MCU provides up to 4000 CoreMark performance and is perfectly suited for embedded control applications. It also features CTMU (Capacitive Touch Module Unit) for touch sensing applications such as buttons, sliders, wheels and hands-on detection. This MCU is ideal for applications that require high performance and connectivity in a wide range of embedded applications.