The PIC32MX530F128L-V/PF is a 32-bit MCU with 128K Flash, 16KB RAM, I2S, and CTMU, manufactured by Microchip. The MCU is based on Microchip’s 32-bit MIPS M4K processor core that runs at a speed of 40 MHz. This component has 128KB Flash, 16KB of RAM and integrated peripherals, like I2S, CTMU, and more. It comes with in-package peripheral options, such as I2C, SPI, UART, I2S, Timers, Input Capture, Data Converters, CAN, and DMA. This component also features peripherals such as External Bus Interface, Crypto Authentication Modules, Peripheral Pin Select, and Real-Time Clock. It also comes with extensive suite of software drivers and built-in debugging/programming support. Additionally, this part integrates sophisticated power management functions, such as SLEEP, IDLE, and DOZE modes. This component is designed for a wide range of applications including industrial, automotive, communications, and consumer markets.