The SR2100 is a double-diffused metal-oxide-semiconductor (DMOS) switching device manufactured by Microdiode Electronics that combines Schottky Barrier Diodes (SBD) in a DO-15 RoHS package. It features a very low on-resistance and low gate charge, enabling high-speed switching applications in a variety of applications, including power and voltage controllers. The SR2100 provides excellent electrical performance, with a RDSon of lower than 10 milliohms, making it ideal for high-power switching applications. The SBDs used provide high reverse leakage current, fast switching, and excellent reverse voltage blocking capabilities. The SR2100 also features superior thermal properties, with a junction temperature range of -55°C to 175°C and low junction-to-case thermal resistance. It has a RoHS compliant package, making it ideal for environmentally conscious applications. The SR2100 is an ideal device for high-performance switching applications in industrial, automotive and consumer applications.