The MGGB2012M181HT-LF with ferrite beads 0805 RoHS is a passive electronic component produced by Microgate that is used in a variety of circuits, systems, and designs. This component is a type of inductor, more specifically, a ferrite bead, which is used to limit the frequency of signals passing through it. This product has a size of 0805, or 0.08 in x 0.05 in or 2.0 mm x 1.25 mm, making it suitable for use in designs with limited board space. The RoHS marking indicates that it is RoHS compliant and free of hazardous substances. This component is also halogen free, which further improves its compatibility with other components and circuits. It is also rated for a current of 1.8A and an inductance of 1.81uH, making it suitable for use in multiple application settings. Overall, this component is a reliable, RoHS compliant miniature ferrite bead that is suitable for use in multiple system designs.