M ikroElektronika’s LEM CLICK is a low-power, easy-to-use, compatible, and robust solution for battery-powered design. It consists of a fully integrated and tested system-on-module (SOM), a companion board, and a library of user-friendly and easy-to-use software functions. The LEM CLICK system is an attractive choice for short time-to-market applications, such as Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, and other high-performance, low-power electronics. It allows for quick prototyping and eliminates the need for expensive development tools. The LEM CLICK module is the main component of the system. It contains an STM32L0 Series microcontroller with integrated RAM, FLASH memory, and an optimized CAN transceiver. The companion board is equipped with various peripherals, such as relays, LEDs, GPIOs, and additional serial interfaces. Various application-specific libraries are available to make using the LEM CLICK system even easier.