OOK TRANSCEIVER 3-2000473 868,35 MHz / P.n. 3-2000473 DESCRIPTION: The 3-2000473 module is an On-Off Key transceiver operating at 868,35 MHz, low consumption and low cost. In transmission the typical power output is 10 mW (+10 dBm) and the receiver sensitivity reaches 98 dBm.. There is an auxiliary pin for RF input/output to use when in transmission is sufcfi ie nt 1 mW (0 dBm) power output and it wants to limit the current consumption. In power down mode the 3-2000473 current consumption is about 5 A and so is perfect for battery supply systems. PIN CONFIGUR ATION AND DEFINITION: 1 N.C. 2 +VccTR 3 RFH 4 GND 5 +Boost 6 GND 7 CTRL1 8 CTRL0 9 RFL 10 GND 12 T.P. 13 RXD 14 TXD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 L I M I T VA L U E S : Transceiver Power Supply+Vcc (pin 2): from -0,3 to 5,2 V Booster Power Supply+Boost (pin 5): from -0,3 to 5,2 V Voltage Range on CTRL1 e CTRL0 (pin 7 e 8): from -0,3 to 3,8 V Operative Temperature: from -40 to +85C Storage Temperature: from -50 to +100C MIPOT S.P.A. Via Corona, n. 5 (Zona Ind.) 34701 Cormons (GO) Italy Tel. +39 0481 630200 r.a. Fax +39 0481 62387 mipot mipot.com H I - T E C H C O M P A N Y E L E C T R I C A L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S : Parameter Min. Tip. Max. Units Transceiver Power Supply +Vcc (pin 2) 4,5 5,2 V Booster Power Supply +Boost (pin 5) 4,5 5,2 V Voltage Range on CTRL1 e CTRL0 (pin 7 e 8) 0 3,8 V Receiver Electrical Characteristics: VOL on RX Data (pin 13) 0 V VOH on RX Data (pin 13) +Vcc = 4,5 5,0 V 3,4 3,9 V Current Consumption +Vcc = 4,5 5,0 V 3,4 3,6 mA Carrier Frequency f0 868.35 MHz Frequency Bandwidth at 3 dB f0 300 KHz Sensitivity for 2400 baud -93 -97 dBm Sensitivity for 19200 baud -92 -95 dBm Sensitivity for 38400 baud -91 -93 dBm Rejection 30 MHz 55 dB RX Switching On Time 250 S Transmitter Electrical Characteristics: VIL on TX Data (pin 14) 0 V VIH on TX Data (pin 14) a +Vcc = 4,5 5,0 V 5 V Current Consumption +Vcc = 4,5 5,0 V square wave modulation and 50% Duty Cycle 22 mA Carrier frequency f0 868,05 868,65 MHz Data Transmission Rate 1200 38400 baud Power Output +Vcc, VIH = +5,0 V +7.5 +10 dBm Second Harmonic Level (1737 MHz) +Vcc = 4,5 5,0 V -30 dBm Third Harmonic Level (2605 MHz) +Vcc = 4,5 5,0 V -30 dBm Fourth Harmonic Level (3473 MHz) +Vcc = 4,5 5,0 V -30 dBm Radiated Emissions A ccording to I-ETS-300-220 and I-ETS-300-683 TX Switching On time 15 s Power Down Mode Electrical Characteristics: Current Consumption 5 A P I N D E S C R I P T I O N : Pin Name Description 1 N.C. Not Connected 2 +VccTR Power Supply 3 RFH RF Input/Output. In transmission the power output is 10 mW. An antenna with 50 characteristic impedance can be connected , see three examples below. Note: if this pin is used then the ausiliary pin RFL (pin 9) must be not connected. Isolated copper wire with 0,5 mm thick Solenoid diameter: 3,2 mm 12 coils 3 mm spaced Antenna on PCB Strip thickness: 1 mm Ring Area: from 4 to 10 cm2 fp (feed point): from 15 to 25% of the entire antenna lenght MIPOT S.P.A. C: variable capacity 1,5 5 pF Via Corona, n. 5 (Zona Ind.) 34701 Cormons (GO) Conductive wire, strip on PCB or their Italy com-bination up to 8,6 cm total lenght Tel. +39 0481 630200 r.a. Fax +39 0481 62387 mipot mipot.com Note: the brought back values over there are pure indicative. Optimal antenna matching goes searched using adequate instrumentation (for es. Networks Analyzer). H I - T E C H C O M P A N Y