Last Update: 6/15/12 Ref. : MS-100881 Dimensions: mm (In.) Epoxy seal (.27) (.46) A 6.86 11.69 3 (.115) (.50) 2.92 2 12.70 (.125) 3.18 1 12 3 A (.048) (.106) (.02) 1.22 2.69 .50 (.03) (.05) .76 1.27 (.20) (.29) (.15) 5.08 7.36 3.81 (.50) Section A-A 12.70 (.15) 3.81 (.25) 6.35 (.073) 1.85 (.50) (.033) .85 12.70 (.022) .55 (.20) 5.08 Panel Mounting P.C. Mounting Mechanical Specifications: Materials: Mechanical Life: 40,000 make-and-break cycles Case: Diallyl phthalate (DAP) Mouser Operating Temperature: -30C to 85C Actuator: Brass, chrome plated Type Circuit Stock No. Bushing: Brass, nickel plated 108-0020-EVX SPDT On-On Housing: Stainless Steel 108-0021-EVX SPDT On-Off-On Electrical Specifications: Terminal/Contact: Silver or gold plated 108-0022-EVX SPDT On-(On) Switch Support: Brass, Tin plated Rating: 2A / 250VAC, 5A / 120 VAC or 28 VDC 108-0023-EVX SPDT (On)-Off-(On) Contact Resistance: 10m max. initial 2-4VDC 100mA Note: Insulation Resistance: 1,000M min. Dieletric Strength: 1,000 V RMS sea level RoHS Compliant by Exemption Miniature Toggle Switches 108-0020-EVX, 108-0021-EVX, 108-0022-EVX, 108-0023-EVX Available from Mouser Electronics 1-800-346-6873 Specifications are subject to change without notice. No liability or warranty implied by this information. Environmental compliance based on producer documentation.