AEC-Q200 This component was always RoHS compliant from the first date of manufacture. XO3003 Surface Mount Seam Weld Package Pb Good Frequency Stability over Temperature 25.6 MHz Excellent Reliability Crystal Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Oscillator Tape and Reel Standard per ANSI/EIA-481 2SWLRQ DEOH VWDQG E IXQFWLRQ IRU RXWSXW 7UL VWDWH RXWSXW Electrical Characteristics Specifications )R 1RPLQDO )UHTXHQF 0+ 6WRUDJH H PSHUDWXUH 5DQJH 7 & WR & & WR & 2SHUDWLQJ H PSHUDWXUH 5DQJH 7 3RZHU 6XSSO 9ROWDJH 9FF 9 . // 15pF (HCMOS) RDG /RDG /HYHO 9 PD /HYHO 9 PLQ 3RZHU 6XSSO &XUUHQW ,FF PD P SSP PD FFXUDF )UHTXHQF XW & FOH a Rise Time ( 10% -> 90% of final RF level in Vp-p ) Fall Time ( 90% -> 10% of final RF level in Vp-p ) 3,1 +LJK RU 2SHQ 3,1 (QDEOH (QDEOH LVDEOH )XQFWLRQ 3,1 /RZ 3,1 LVDEOH JLQJ DW GHJ & SSP PD HDU N+ G% F 3KDVH 1RLVH N+ G%F 2009 by 5)0 ,QWHJUDWHG HYLFH ,QF 3DJH RI ZZZ UIPL FR 2 5 OHYHO LQ 9S S QVHFPD QVHFPD &RPSOHPHQWDU 2XWSXW&026 6XSSO 9ROWDJH 2SHUDWLRQ9 SSOLFDWLRQ CAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling. NOTES: 1. The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this device are subject to change. 2. US or International patents may apply. Mechanical Dimensions: (Unit: mm) Test Circuit: 2009 by RFM Integrated Device, Inc. Page 2 of 5 XO3003 (R) 04/20/2020