X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of 400006-61-5 DIN Rail Power Supplies across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. 400006-61-5 DIN Rail Power Supplies are a product manufactured by N2power. We provide cost-effective solutions for DIN Rail Power Supplies, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

400006-61-5 N2power

400006-61-5 electronic component of N2power
400006-61-5 N2power
400006-61-5 DIN Rail Power Supplies
400006-61-5  Power

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. 400006-61-5
Manufacturer: N2power
Category: DIN Rail Power Supplies
Description: AC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 24V 4.2A 125W 16-Pin
Datasheet: 400006-61-5 Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

Price (USD)
1: USD 159.8812 ea
Line Total: USD 159.88 
Availability - 0
MOQ: 1  Multiples: 1
Pack Size: 1
Availability Price Quantity
Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 36
Multiples : 1
36 : USD 178.7271
108 : USD 124.7577
252 : USD 91.1645
504 : USD 89.4379

Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 1
Multiples : 1
1 : USD 159.8812
10 : USD 143.8916

Product Category
Notes:- Show Stocked Products With Similar Attributes.

We are delighted to provide the 400006-61-5 from our DIN Rail Power Supplies category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the 400006-61-5 and other electronic components in the DIN Rail Power Supplies category and beyond.

Image Part-Description
Stock Image 400013-01-7
AC/DC Power Supply Dual-OUT 12V/12V 13.3A/1A 160W 16-Pin
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 400007-61-3
400007613 n2power switching supplies power
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 400011-01-1
AC/DC Power Supply Quad-OUT 3.3V/5V/12V/-12V 15A/20A/6A/1A 160W 20-Pin
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 400011-02-9 E1
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 400010-04-7 F5
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 400009-61-9
AC/DC Power Supply Triple-OUT 5V/12V/-12V 16.5A/5A/1A 125W 20-Pin
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 400012-10-0 E2
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 400007-61-3 E4
Stock : 0
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Stock Image 400006-68-0 E3
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 400011-04-5 G3
Stock : 0
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Image Part-Description
Stock Image TCL 024-124
DIN Rail Power Supplies Product Type: AC/DC; Package Style: DIN-rail; Output Power (W): 24; Input Voltage: 85-264 VAC; Output 1 (Vdc): 24; Output 2 (Vdc): N/A; Output 3 (Vdc): N/A
Stock : 58
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image STEP-PS/1AC/24DC/4.2
Power supply: switched-mode; 100W; 24VDC; Mounting: DIN; 4.2A
Stock : 19
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image STEP-PS/1AC/24DC/3.8/C2LPS
Power supply: switched-mode; 90W; 24VDC; Mounting: DIN; 3.8A
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image S8VS-24024A
DIN Rail Power Supplies 24V 10A LIFE DSPLY
Stock : 5
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image S8VS-18024B
DIN Rail Power Supplies 24v7.5A 100-240 Runtime Dsply
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Stock Image S8VS-18024AP
DIN Rail Power Supplies 24V 7.5A 100-240 Lif e Dis Sour
Stock : 6
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DIN Rail Power Supplies Power Supply
Stock : 15
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Stock Image S8VS-06024B
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Stock : 3
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Stock Image S8VS-06024
DIN Rail Power Supplies 60W 24VDC BASIC
Stock : 0
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Stock Image S8VS-03012
DIN Rail Power Supplies 12V 2.5A Out 30W 100-240AC in switch
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

N2POWER XL125 AC--DC SERIES ULTRA SMALL, HIGH-EEFFFFIICCIIEENNCCY POWER SUPPLIES POWER SUPPLY DESIGN LEADER NN2P2Powower er continuecontinues s to to lead lead tthe he powpower er densitdensity y race race wwith ith itits s newnew small, high efficiency XL125 Series AC-DDCC powpower er supplisuppliees. s. OurOur patentedpatented techtechnolonology gy yieldyields s aa very very smalsmall l foofootprint,tprint, redureduces ces wwastedasted powpower, er, and and offers offers the the highhighestest powpower er density density in in the the marmarket ket in in thethe 125 wwatt att rrange.ange. ThiThis s ununiqueique ddesignesign meameans ns rreduceeduced d enenergyergy costscosts, , a greater return on your inveestment,stment, highigher her rereliabliabiliilitty y aand nd llongeronger product life. HIGHLIGHTS 125W AC-DC Up to 92% Efficiency High Power Density: 6.7 W / cu in. Universal AC input Active PFC (90-264 VAC) Typical Mechanical Drawing: Built in OR-ing Diodes for N+1 (Optional) Inches (Inches (mimillillimetemeters)rs), conn, connectorectors as and pind pinouts nouts may varmay vary wiy with moth model. del. 3 X 5 Small Footprint Refer to XL125 Product SpeciSpeciffiicatication foron for complet complete ie infornformatimation.on. <1U High: 1.32 No Load Operation RoHS Compliant HHIGIGHH EF EFFFICIENICIENCCYY I INN A A SM SMAALLLL PA PACCKKAAGEGE The XL125 Series provides up to 92% efefficficienciencyy in a 125 125 wwatt att powpower er supplsupply. y. Our Our unique unique dedesign sign rereduceducess energy cconsuonsumptimption on and and gegennerates erates leless ss wwastaste e heat.heat. It requires little forforced air coced air coolioling, decreang, decreases ACses AC load loadss and increases reliability and and eeconomconomy of oy of operatiperation.on. UNMATCHED POWER DENSITY With an overall height of 1.32 andand a a 33 x x 55 fofootprintotprint,, the XL125 SeSeriries es boboasts asts a a popowwer er densitdensity y of of 6.7 6.7 wwattattss per cubic inch. It is ideideallally y suited suited for for OEMs OEMs uusinsingg industry standard 1U chassis. NN2P2Powowers ers smalsmall l formform factor power supplies allow you to work with additioadditional nal rereal al eestate state for for mmore ore functfunctionaionalitylity insinsideide your product. Decreased space rerequirequirementsments, reduced thermal loads and lower costcosts s wwilill l inincreacreasese your competitive edge in the market. REPEATABLE QUALITY PFC READY, SAVE ENERGY Many Many ccountrieountries s requrequire ire PoPowwer er Factor Factor CCorreorrectedcted We We useuse advadvanceanced d PCPCB B techtechnologynology to to delideliver ver ththe e hihighestghest densitdensity y anandd (PFC) power suppliessupplies, , wwhhich ich leslessen sen loaloads ds atat best best pperforerformamance nce in in tthe he iindundustry. stry. Our Our ppackackagingaging dedesignsign iincorporancorporatteses generating stations. All XL125 products iincorporncorporateate SMTSMT techntechnologology y to to auautomattomate e procesprocesses, ses, ensurensure e relireliabilability, ity, and and redureducece activactive e PFPFCC technotechnology logy wwitith h uuniversniversal al ininput put to to proprovidevide cost. Each power suppsupplyly undundergoesergoes a a compcompletelete funcfunctionationall testtest andand aa superiorsuperior effiefficieciencyncy inin eaceach h ssupply.upply. CComparomparisoisons ns ooff multi-hour burn-inin toto ininsure sure tthat hat eeveryvery unitunit memeetsets ourour stristrinngent gent qqualitualityy power loading show that that ouour r supplisupplies es can can rereducducee requiremrequirements.ents. DDetailetailed statied statististical cal prproductoduction ion rrecordecords s areare mamaiintainedntained andand consumption up to 50%. rigid rigid qualquality ity and and AVAVL L contrcontrol ol insureinsures s the the highehighest st qualquality ity pproduct availavailable.able. EaEach ch powpower er susupplypply desigdesign n iis s alalso so rigrigorousorously ly tetessted ted by by UULL,, with schscheduleeduled facd factory atory auditudits ts to ensureo ensure ongo ongoing cing compomplianliance.ce. CConontact tact us us rregegaarrdingding custo custom and m and mmoodified dified stanstandadard supprd supplilies foes forr u uniqunique ape applications.plications. QUALSTAR CORPORATION www.n2power.com Tel: 805-583-7744 NASDAQ: QBAK Rev: 04-24-18 N2POWER XL125 AC--DC SERIES ULTRA SMALL, HIGH-EEFFFFIICCIIEENNCCY POWER SUPPLIES PART REREGUGULATIOLATION N MAXIMUM RIPPLE & INPUINPUT ST SPECIPECIFIFICACATIOTIONSNS MODEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE NUMBER (%) CURRENT (A) NOISE (P-P) NomiNominnal Inpal Input Vut Voltage: oltage: 100 240 VAC XL125-03 400010-03-9 V1 3.3 3 32.0 50 mV MaximMaximum Aum AC InC Inpuput:t: 90 264 VAC XL125-03 CS 400010-01-3 V2 12 5 0.5 120 mV InpInput Freut Frequequencyncy Rang Range: e: 47 63 Hz XL125-05 400003-08-3 V1 5 3 25.0 50 mV Input Current: 1.8 A 100 VAC XL125-05 CS 400003-01-8 V2 12 5 0.5 120 mV InpInput Protectut Protectioion:n: 3.15 A fuse XL125-12 400004-67-7 V1 12 3 10.4 120 mV 3000 VAC input to output Safety Isolation: XL125-12 CS 400004-61-0 V2 12 5 1.0 120 mV 1500 VAC input to ground XL125-15 400005-62-5 V1 15 3 8.3 150 mV Inrush Current: 33 A 115 VAC XL125-15 CS 400005-61-7 V2 12 5 1.0 120 mV LeakaLeakagege CuCurrrreent:nt: < 0.75 mA XL125-24 400006-68-0 V1 24 3 5.2 240 mV Power Factor Active PFC circuitry, meets XL125-24 CS 400006-61-5 V2 12 5 1.0 120 mV Correction: or exceeds EN61000-3-2 XL125-28 400006-66-4 V1 28 3 4.5 280 mV OUOUTPUT TPUT SPECISPECIFICFICATATIOIONSNS XL125-28 CS 400006-64-9 V2 12 5 1.0 120 mV Total Power: 125W XL125-48 400007-63-9 V1 48 3 2.6 480 mV Minimum 28 mS at all input XL125-48 CS 400007-61-3 V2 12 5 1.0 120 mV Hold-up Time: voltages V1 3.3 2 10.0 50 mV Efficiency: Up to 92% V2 5 4 15.0 50 mV XL125-1 400002-61-4 Minimum Load: No load V3 12 5 5.0 120 mV Over Over / / Under SUnder Shhoooot:t: Maximum 10% at turn-on V4 -12 5 1.0 120 mV PROTECTION V1 2.5 2 13.2 50 mV V2 5 4 15.0 50 mV OvervOvervoltaoltagege ProtectProtectioion:n: On all main outputs XL125-7 400008-61-1 V3 12 5 5.0 120 mV Overpower ProtProtectiectionon:: Protected / Auto-recovery V4 -12 5 1.0 120 mV All outputs protected against ShortShort Cir Circcuit Pruit Protectiotectioon:n: V2 5 4 16.5 50 mV short circuit Protected against XL125-8 400009-61-9 V3 12 5 5.0 120 mV ThermThermal Shal Shutdutdoownwn:: over-temperature conditions V4 -12 5 1.0 120 mV OPOPERERATATIING SNG SPECIPECIFIFICACATIOTIONSNS CS = Current Sharing OperatiOperatinng Tg Temempperaturerature:e: -25C to +50C Temperature DDeratieratingng:: 2.5% / degree C to 70C StoraStoragge Te Temempeperrature:ature: -40C to +85C FoForcrceed Air d Air CCoooolilingng:: 5 CFM ConvConvectiectionon CoolinCooling:g: See Product Specification MTBF: 627,221 hours 25C * SIGNALS Remote Sense: On main output Active current sharing with CuCurrrreent Snt Shahariringng:: OR-ing diode or MOSFETs Power Good: Provided PS OK: Output LED: Some models SeSee Pre Productoduct Sp Specifecificicationation Some Models * * SeSee e MTMTBFBF Report Report for for aaddditionditional temal tempperaerature vture valuesalues 1 Compliance: USA / Canada EuropeEurope International Safety: Underwriters Laboratories: UL 60950-1:2007 (2nd 22006/9006/955/E/EC C - Low Voltage (Safety) Directive IEC 60950-11:20:20005 (25 (2nnd Editiod Editionn)+ Am1)+ Am1:20:200099 + + A Am2:m2:20201133 Edition) / C22.2 No. 60950-1-07 Safety of Information DeDemkmkoo: : EEN N 6060995050-1:2006 (2nd Edition) +A1:2010 +A11:2009 SafSafety ety oof f IInnffoormarmation Ttion Teechchnnoollooggy Ey Equipmequipmenntt Technology Equipment (ITE) +A12+A12::2011 +A2011 +A22:20:201133 EMC: FCC part 15, subpart B 22004/1004/108/EC 08/EC ElEleectroctrommaagngneetic Ctic Coompmpaatitibbilility (EMity (EMC) C) D Dirireectivective IEC 61204-3 Class B EN 61204-3 Class B 1 See Product Specification for additional information XL125 pXL125 prrooducts ducts aarree p prrootteectcteed by d by patpateent numbnt numbeerr 6 6,,1163,63,139 For coFor complempletete spec specifificaticationsions on on alalll m modelodels, ples, pleasase vise visit ourit our web websitesite at: at: www. www.n2pon2powewerr.com AlAll l infoinformarmationtion aand nd spspeecicifications fications aarree bbaasseed d oonn ourour QuQuaalslsttaar r anandd the the QQuuaalslsttaar r logo logo aarree rereggisisteterreedd ttrademarademarksrks knowledgknowledgee oof f the the pprorodduuccts ts aat t tthe he timetime ofof ppririnntitinng.g. oof f Qualstar Qualstar CoCorrppoorraatiotionn NN22PPoowweer r aand nd tthhee NN2P2Poowweer r logologo N2N2PPoowweer r rreeservservees s tthhe e riright ght to to chchaange nge spspeeccifiificatcationionss are trademarks of Qualstar CCoorprpoorraatiotionn.. AlAll l ootherther without notice. trademarks are the property of their respective owners. QUALSTAR CORPORATION www.n2power.com Tel: 805-583-7744 NASDAQ: QBAK Rev: 04-24-18

Tariff Desc

8504.40.90 POWER SUPPLIES, having BOTH:
(a) input voltages of 176V-246VAC, 47Hz-63Hz single phase OR 200V-230VAC, 50Hz-60Hz single phase
(b) multiple DC output voltages from minus 200 V to positive 200V
TC 9603032

8504.40.90 CHARGERS, ADAPTERS AND INVERTERS, AC/DC OR DC/DC OR DC/AC having ALL of the following:
(a) input voltage NOT less than 10V and NOT greater than 252V
(b) output voltage NOT less than 2V and NOT greater than 252V
(c) wattage NOT less than 40 W and NOT greater than 160W
(d) output current NOT greater than 17A - TC 1021920

8504.50.10 81
(a) designed for use with equipment of 8471
(b) for telecommunication apparatus of 8517 Free

8504.40.90 POWER SUPPLY UNITS, DC AND/OR AC output, complying with AS/NZS 60950 & AS/NZS CISPR 22, having ALL of:
(a) voltage NOT less than 2.5 V and NOT greater than 55V
(b) wattage NOT less than 0.02 W and NOT greater than 105W
(c) current output NOT less than 0.01 amp and NOT greater than 2.5amp
TC 1014564

8504.40.90 POWER SUPPLY MODULES having ALL of the following:
(a) input power at EITHER of the following voltages:
(i) 120VAC/240VAC
(ii) 24VDC /48VDC
(b) output power at EITHER of the following voltages:
(i) 5VDC, +15VDC, -15VDC, and 24VDC field I/O
(ii) 24VDC field I/O only
(c) circuitry monitors
(d) output adjusters
TC 9810001

8504.40.90 POWER SUPPLIES DC having BOTH:
(a) variable voltage NOT exceeding 30V
(b) maximum current output NOT exceeding 25amps
TC 9900597

8504.40.90 CONVERTERS, DC/DC, power output not exceeding 5W, being ANY of:
(a) single in line package
(b) dual in line
(c) surface mount device
TC 9601650

8543.90.20 20 Electronic microassemblies Free

8504.40.30 Static converters
(a) separately housed units, designed to be housed in the same cabinet as the central processing unit of equipment of 8471
(b) for telecommunication apparatus of 8517
60 No Electric current rectifying assemblies Free
63 No Other Free
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