X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of NRB-XW151M450V18X45F across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. NRB-XW151M450V18X45F are a product manufactured by NIC. We provide cost-effective solutions for NRB-XW151M450V18X45F, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.

NRB-XW151M450V18X45F NIC

NRB-XW151M450V18X45F electronic component of NIC
Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. NRB-XW151M450V18X45F
Manufacturer: NIC
Category: Unclassified
Description: CAP ALUM 150UF 450VDC 20% 18 X 45 RDL
Datasheet: NRB-XW151M450V18X45F Datasheet (PDF)
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Price (USD)
400: USD 2.7533 ea
Line Total: USD 1101.32 
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Ship by Fri. 21 Mar to Thu. 27 Mar
MOQ : 400
Multiples : 400
400 : USD 2.7533

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We are delighted to provide the NRB-XW151M450V18X45F from our NIC manufacturer, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the NRB-XW151M450V18X45F and other electronic components in the NIC manufacturer and beyond.

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Res Thick Film 0201 10 Ohm 1% 0.05W(1/20W) ±200ppm/C Molded SMD T/R
Stock : 40000
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Res Thick Film 0201 1K Ohm 1% 1/20W ±250ppm/°C Molded SMD SMD Paper T/R
Stock : 0
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Stock Image NRC02F1002TRF
Res Thick Film 0201 10K Ohm 1% 0.05W(1/20W) ±200ppm/C Molded SMD T/R
Stock : 440000
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Res Thick Film 0201 100 Ohm 1% 0.05W(1/20W) ±200ppm/C Molded SMD T/R
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Res Thick Film 0201 115 Ohm 1% 0.05W(1/20W) ±200ppm/C Molded SMD T/R
Stock : 0
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Stock Image NRC02F1152TRF
Res Thick Film 0201 11.5K Ohm 1% 0.05W(1/20W) ±200ppm/C Molded SMD
Stock : 0
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Stock Image NRC02F1102TRF
Res Thick Film 0201 11K Ohm 1% 1/20W ±250ppm/°C Molded SMD SMD Paper T/R
Stock : 0
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Stock Image NRC02F1133TRF
Res Thick Film 0201 113K Ohm 1% 0.05W(1/20W) ±200ppm/C Molded SMD T/R
Stock : 0
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Stock Image NRC02F1004TRF
Res Thick Film 0201 1M Ohm 1% 1/20W ±250ppm/°C Molded SMD SMD Paper T/R
Stock : 0
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Stock : 0
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Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRB-XW Series HIGH TEMPERATURE, EXTENDED LOAD LIFE, RADIAL LEADS, POLARIZED FEATURES HIGH RIPPLE CURRENT LONG LIFE AT HIGH TEMPERATURE (12,000 Hours +105C) CHARACTERISTICS Rated Voltage Range 35 ~ 450VDC Capacitance Range 12 ~ 1,800 F Operating Temperature Range -40C ~ +105C Capacitance Tolerance 20% (M) 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater 35V ~ 100V after 2 minutes at rated voltage Maximum Leakage Current +20C 160V ~ 450V 3x CV after 5 minute at rated voltage W.V. (Vdc) 35 50 63 80 100 160 200 S.V. (Vdc) 44 63 80 100 125 200 250 Tan 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.20 0.20 Max. Tan at 120Hz/20C W.V. (Vdc) 220 250 350 400 420 450 - S.V. (Vdc) 270 300 400 450 470 500 - Tan 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 - 160~250 350~400 420~450 W.V. (Vdc) 35 50 63 80 100 Low Temperature Stability Z-25C/Z+20C 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 6 Impedance Ratio 120Hz Z-40C/Z+20C 3 3 3 3 3 - - - 35V ~ 100V Within 25% of initial measured value Load Life at W.V. & 105C Capacitance 160V ~ 450V Within 20% of initial measured value 6.3mm: 7,000 Hours 8 ~ 18mm: 10,000 Hours Tan Less than 200% of specified value except L > 25mm, 160V ~ 450V is 12,000 Hours LC Less than specified value HORIZONTAL MOUNT LEAD FORMING (mm) LEAD SPACING AND DIAMETER (mm) Case Dia. (D ) 8 10 & 12 16 & 18 Case Dia. (D ) 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 Lead Dia. ( d) 0.6 0.6 0.8 Lead Dia. (D ) 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Lead Space (F) 3.5 5.0 7.5 Lead Spacing (F) 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 Forming Code RI RK RX SG Dim. 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Form Type A B A B 35 ~ 100V 2.0 - Dim. Lead Length (H) 4.0 3.5 160 ~ 450V - 2.5 DIMENSIONS (mm) Sleeve d 0.05 Polarity Marking + F 0.5 - 4mm L + max. 15mm Min. D Min. Drawing is representative of parts as supplied in bulk or straight lead format, please see taping specification for details on taped format packaging. PART NUMBER SYSTEM NRB-XW 101 M 250V 12.5X30 RK F . RoHS Compliant Optional Horizontal Mount Lead Forming Case Size (DxL) Working Voltage (Vdc) Tolerance Code (M=20%) Capacitance Code: First 2 characters significant, third character is multiplier Series PRECAUTIONS Please review the notes on correct use, safety and precautions found on pages T10 & T11 of NICs Electrolytic Capacitor catalog. Also found at www.niccomp.com/precautions If in doubt or uncertainty, please review your specific application - process details with NICs technical support personnel: tpmg niccomp.com NIC COMPONENTS CORP. www.niccomp.com www.lowESR.com www.RFpassives.com www.SMTmagnetics.com 1 SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGEMiniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRB-XW Series 35V ~ 100V STANDARD VALUES, SPECIFICATIONS AND CASE SIZES (mm) Cap. W.V. Dissipation Factor Ripple Current Rating (Arms) Max. ESR () Load Life Hours Part Number (F) (Vdc) +20C/120Hz +20C/120Hz +105C +105C/120Hz +105C/100KHz NRB-XW181M35V6.3X25F 180 0.12 0.605 1.21 1.11 7000 NRB-XW221M35V6.3X30F 220 0.12 0.685 1.37 0.90 7000 NRB-XW331M35V6.3X40F 330 0.12 0.924 1.68 0.60 7000 NRB-XW391M35V6.3X50F 390 0.12 1.110 2.02 0.51 7000 NRB-XW391M35V8X25F 390 0.12 0.951 1.73 0.51 10000 NRB-XW471M35V8X30F 470 0.12 1.11 2.03 0.42 10000 NRB-XW681M35V8X40F 680 35 0.12 1.41 2.57 0.29 10000 NRB-XW821M35V8X50F 820 0.12 1.82 3.04 0.24 10000 NRB-XW821M35V10X30F 820 0.12 1.48 2.47 0.24 10000 NRB-XW102M35V8X60F 1000 0.12 2.08 3.48 0.20 10000 NRB-XW122M35V10X40F 1200 0.12 1.87 3.12 0.17 10000 NRB-XW152M35V10X50F 1500 0.12 2.21 3.69 0.13 10000 NRB-XW182M35V10X60F 1800 0.12 2.50 4.17 0.11 10000 NRB-XW101M50V6.3X25F 100 0.10 0.510 1.02 1.66 7000 NRB-XW121M50V6.3X30F 120 0.10 0.580 1.16 1.38 7000 NRB-XW181M50V6.3X40F 180 0.10 0.710 1.42 0.92 7000 NRB-XW221M50V6.3X50F 220 0.10 0.860 1.72 0.75 7000 NRB-XW221M50V8X25F 220 0.10 0.74 1.48 0.75 10000 NRB-XW271M50V8X30F 270 0.10 0.87 1.74 0.61 10000 NRB-XW391M50V8X40F 390 50 0.10 1.22 2.23 0.43 10000 NRB-XW471M50V8X50F 470 0.10 1.45 2.65 0.35 10000 NRB-XW471M50V10X30F 470 0.10 1.22 2.22 0.35 10000 NRB-XW561M50V8X60F 560 0.10 1.68 3.07 0.30 10000 NRB-XW681M50V10X40F 680 0.10 1.55 2.82 0.24 10000 NRB-XW821M50V10X50F 820 0.10 2.02 3.37 0.20 10000 NRB-XW102M50V10X60F 1000 0.10 2.31 3.86 0.17 10000 NRB-XW820M63V6.3X25F 82 0.09 0.455 0.910 1.82 7000 NRB-XW101M63V6.3X30F 100 0.09 0.515 1.03 1.49 7000 NRB-XW151M63V6.3X40F 150 0.09 0.635 1.27 1.00 7000 NRB-XW181M63V6.3X50F 180 0.09 0.775 1.55 0.83 7000 NRB-XW181M63V8X25F 180 0.09 0.665 1.33 0.83 10000 NRB-XW221M63V8X30F 220 0.09 0.785 1.57 0.68 10000 NRB-XW331M63V8X40F 330 63 0.09 1.11 2.02 0.45 10000 NRB-XW391M63V8X50F 390 0.09 1.32 2.41 0.38 10000 NRB-XW391M63V10X30F 390 0.09 1.16 2.10 0.38 10000 NRB-XW471M63V8X60F 470 0.09 1.54 2.80 0.32 10000 NRB-XW561M63V10X40F 560 0.09 1.43 2.60 0.27 10000 NRB-XW681M63V10X50F 680 0.09 1.71 3.12 0.22 10000 NRB-XW821M63V10X60F 820 0.09 2.15 3.59 0.16 10000 NRB-XW470M80V6.3X25F 47 0.08 0.455 0.91 2.82 7000 NRB-XW560M80V6.3X30F 56 0.08 0.515 1.03 2.37 7000 NRB-XW820M80V6.3X40F 82 0.08 0.635 1.27 1.62 7000 NRB-XW101M80V6.3X50F 100 0.08 0.775 1.55 1.33 7000 NRB-XW101M80V8X25F 100 0.08 0.665 1.33 1.33 10000 NRB-XW121M80V8X30F 120 0.08 0.785 1.57 1.11 10000 NRB-XW181M80V8X40F 180 80 0.08 1.01 2.02 0.74 10000 NRB-XW221M80V8X50F 220 0.08 1.20 2.41 0.60 10000 NRB-XW221M80V10X30F 220 0.08 1.05 2.10 0.60 10000 NRB-XW271M80V8X60F 270 0.08 1.40 2.80 0.49 10000 NRB-XW271M80V10X40F 270 0.08 1.30 2.60 0.49 10000 NRB-XW391M80V10X50F 390 0.08 1.71 3.12 0.34 10000 NRB-XW471M80V10X60F 470 0.08 1.97 3.59 0.28 10000 NRB-XW330M100V6.3X25F 33 0.08 0.382 0.91 4.02 7000 NRB-XW390M100V6.3X30F 39 0.08 0.515 1.03 3.40 7000 NRB-XW560M100V6.3X40F 56 0.08 0.635 1.27 2.37 7000 NRB-XW680M100V6.3X50F 68 0.08 0.775 1.55 1.95 7000 NRB-XW820M100V8X25F 82 100 0.08 0.665 1.33 1.62 10000 NRB-XW101M100V8X30F 100 0.08 0.785 1.57 1.33 10000 NRB-XW121M100V8X40F 120 0.08 1.01 2.02 1.11 10000 NRB-XW151M100V8X50F 150 0.08 1.20 2.41 0.88 10000 NRB-XW151M100V10X30F 150 0.08 1.05 2.10 0.88 10000 NIC COMPONENTS CORP. www.niccomp.com www.lowESR.com www.RFpassives.com www.SMTmagnetics.com 2 SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE

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