X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of NRLRW221M450V30X35SF Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. NRLRW221M450V30X35SF Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In are a product manufactured by NIC. We provide cost-effective solutions for Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.


NRLRW221M450V30X35SF electronic component of NIC
NRLRW221M450V30X35SF Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In
NRLRW221M450V30X35SF  Passive Components

Images are for reference only
See Product Specifications
Part No. NRLRW221M450V30X35SF
Manufacturer: NIC
Category: Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In
Description: Cap Aluminum Lytic 220uF 450V 20% (30 X 35mm) Snap-In 10mm 1.508 Ohm 1120mA 3000h 105C Bulk
Datasheet: NRLRW221M450V30X35SF Datasheet (PDF)
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges

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5: USD 2.9926 ea
Line Total: USD 14.96 
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Ship by Tue. 11 Mar to Mon. 17 Mar
MOQ : 5
Multiples : 1
5 : USD 2.9926
10 : USD 2.8256
25 : USD 2.7692

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MOQ : 100
Multiples : 100
100 : USD 5.6981

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We are delighted to provide the NRLRW221M450V30X35SF from our Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In category, at competitive rates not only in the United States, Australia, and India, but also across Europe and beyond. A long established and extensive electronic component distribution network has enhanced our global reach and dependability, ensuring cost savings through prompt deliveries worldwide. Client satisfaction is at the heart of our business, where every component counts and every customer matters. Our technical service team is ready to assist you. From product selection to after-sales support, we strive to deliver a seamless and satisfying experience. Are you ready to experience the best in electronic component distribution? Contact X-ON Electronics today and discover why X-On are a preferred choice for the NRLRW221M450V30X35SF and other electronic components in the Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In category and beyond.

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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image NRC04J105TRF
Res Thick Film 0402 1M Ohm 5% 0.063W(1/16W) ±200ppm/C Molded SMD T/R
Stock : 77654
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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NRC Series 0402 200 kOhm 0.063 W 5 % 200 ppm/C SMT Thick Film Chip Resistor
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image NRC04J471TRF
NRC Series 0402 470 Ohm 0.063 W 5 % 200 ppm/C SMT Thick Film Chip Resistor
Stock : 168957
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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NRC Series 0402 2.7 Ohm 0.063 W 5 % 350 ppm/C SMT Thick Film Chip Resistor
Stock : 30000
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image NRC04J331TRF
Res Thick Film 0402 330 Ohm 5% 0.063W(1/16W) ±200ppm/C Molded SMD T/R
Stock : 138498
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image NRC04F2553TRF
Res Thick Film 0402 255K Ohm 1% 0.063W(1/16W) ±100ppm/C Molded SMD T/R
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image NRC04J470TRF
NRC Series 0402 47 Ohm 0.063 W 5 % 200 ppm/C SMT Thick Film Chip Resistor
Stock : 174110
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image NRC04J680TRF
NRC Series 0402 68 Ohm 0.063 W 5 % 200 ppm/C SMT Thick Film Chip Resistor
Stock : 40000
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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NRC Series 0402 8.2 kOhm 0.063 W 5 % 200 ppm/C SMT Thick Film Chip Resistor
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Image Part-Description
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560 µF 100 V Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Radial, Can - Snap-In 5000 Hrs @ 105°C
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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Capacitor: electrolytic; THT; 4700uF; 50VDC; Ø30x30mm; ±20%
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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8200 µF 35 V Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Radial, Can - Snap-In 57mOhm @ 120Hz 3000 Hrs @ 85°C
Stock : 0
This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 380LX822M063A032
8200 µF 63 V Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Radial, Can - Snap-In 67mOhm @ 120Hz 3000 Hrs @ 85°C
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
Stock Image 381LX102M050H202
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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5600 µF 80 V Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Radial, Can - Snap-In 55mOhm @ 120Hz 3000 Hrs @ 85°C
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.
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Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In 450volts 68uF 85c 22x25x10L/S
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This product is classified as Large/Heavy, additional shipping charges may apply. A customer service representative may contact you after ordering to confirm exact shipping charges.

10 Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLRW Series FEATURES RoHS EXPANDED VALUE RANGE LONG LIFE AT +105C (3,000 HOURS) Compliant includes all homogeneous materials HIGH RIPPLE CURRENT LOW PROFILE, HIGH DENSITY DESIGN *See Part Number System for Details SUITABLE FOR SWITCHING POWER SUPPLIES SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +105C -25 ~ +105C Rated Voltage Range 10 ~ 100Vdc 160 ~ 450Vdc Rated Capacitance Range 560 ~ 56,000F 47 ~ 2,700F Capacitance Tolerance 20% (M) Max. Leakage Current (A) 3 x C(F)V After 5 minutes (20C) Max. Tan W.V. (Vdc) 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 160~400 420~450 at 120Hz/20C Tan max. 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.20 W.V. (Vdc) 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 160 180 S.V. (Vdc) 13 20 32 44 63 79 100 125 200 220 Surge Voltage W.V. (Vdc) 200 220 250 315 350 385 400 420 450 - S.V. (Vdc) 250 270 300 365 400 435 450 470 500 - 50 Frequency (Hz) 120 500 1K 10K> - - - - - (60) Ripple Current 10 ~ 100Vdc 0.90 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 - - - - - Correction Factors Multiplier 160 ~ 250Vdc 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.50 - - - - - at 85C 315 ~ 450Vdc 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.25 1.40 - - - - - Temperature (C) 0 -25 -40 - - - - - - - Low Temperature Capacitance Change -5% -15% -30% - - - - - - - Stability (10 to 250Vdc) Impedance Ratio 1.5 3 12 - - - - - - - Capacitance Change Within 20% of initial measured value Load Life Test Tan Less than 200% of specified maximum value 3,000 hours at +105C Leakage Current Less than specified maximum value Capacitance Change Within 20% of initial measured value Shelf Life Test 1,000 hours at +105C Tan Less than 200% of specified maximum value (no load) Leakage Current Less than specified maximum value Surge Voltage Test Capacitance Change Within 20% of initial measured value Per JIS-C-5141 (table 6, 4) Tan Less than 200% of specified maximum value Surge voltage applied: 30 seconds Leakage Current Less than specified maximum valueO and 5.5 minutes no voltageOf Capacitance Change Within 10% of initial measured value Soldering Effect Refer to Tan Less than specified maximum value JISC5102.8.5 Leakage Current Less than specified maximum value MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS: 1. Safety Vent: The capacitors are provided with a pressure sensitive safety vent on the top of can. The vent is designed to rupture in the event that high internal gas pressure is developed by circuit malfunction or mis-use like reverse voltage. 2. Terminal Strength: Each terminal of the capacitor shall withstand an axial pull force of 4.5Kg for a period 10 seconds or a radial bent force of 2.5Kg for a period of 30 seconds. PART NUMBER SYSTEM NRLRW 682 M 50V 20X25 S F Recommended PC Board Mounting Holes: RoHS compliant = 2 0.1 Sleeve Color: Dark Blue Lead Length (S=4mm or Sleeve and Minus Polarity 3.5mm for 35mm diameter parts, 10 0.1 Marking L = 6mm is discontinued) Can Top Safety Vent Approx. Case Size (mm) D 0.5 3.0mm Voltage Rating D+1 (-) Chassis (+) Tolerance Code Max. Capacitance Code PC Board Series L 2 4.0 1 or 3.5 1 (Parts with 35mm Diameter) MAXIMUM EXPANSION FOR PRECAUTIONS SAFETY VENT Notice for Mounting Please review the notes on correct use, safety and precautions found on pages T10 & T11 of NICs Electrolytic Capacitor catalog. The space from the top of the can shall be more than (3mm) from chassis or Also found at www.niccomp.com/precautions other construction materials so that safety vent has room to expand in case If in doubt or uncertainty, please review your specific application - process of emergency. details with NICs technical support personnel: tpmg niccomp.com NIC COMPONENTS CORP. www.niccomp.com www.lowESR.com www.RFpassives.com www.SMTmagnetics.com 1 SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGELarge Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors NRLRW Series STANDARD PRODUCT LIST, CASE SIZE AND SPECIFICATIONS Max. Ripple Current ESR ( 20C Cap. W.V. Case Size (Arms 105C) Part Number (F) (Vdc) DxL (mm) 120Hz 20KHz 120Hz 10K ~ 50KHz NRLRW682M10V20X25SF 6,800 20x25 0.135 0.104 1.31 1.50 NRLRW822M10V20X30SF 8,200 20x30 0.112 0.086 1.59 1.82 NRLRW103M10V20X30SF 20x30 0.092 0.071 1.88 2.16 10,000 NRLRW103M10V22X25SF 22x25 0.092 0.071 1.77 2.03 NRLRW123M10V20X35SF 20x35 0.076 0.059 2.18 2.50 NRLRW123M10V22X30SF 12,000 22x30 0.076 0.059 2.10 2.41 NRLRW123M10V25X25SF 25x25 0.076 0.059 1.94 2.23 NRLRW153M10V20X40SF 20x40 0.061 0.047 2.27 2.61 NRLRW153M10V22X35SF 15,000 22x35 0.061 0.047 2.23 2.56 NRLRW153M10V25X30SF 25x30 0.061 0.047 2.10 2.41 NRLRW183M10V22X40SF 22x40 0.051 0.039 2.41 2.77 NRLRW183M10V25X30SF 18,000 25x30 0.051 0.039 2.34 2.69 NRLRW183M10V30X25SF 30x25 0.051 0.039 2.25 2.58 NRLRW223M10V22X45SF 10 22x45 0.042 0.032 2.58 2.96 NRLRW223M10V25X35SF 22,000 25x35 0.042 0.032 2.54 2.92 NRLRW223M10V30X30SF 30x30 0.042 0.032 2.50 2.87 NRLRW273M10V22X50SF 22x50 0.034 0.026 3.17 3.64 NRLRW273M10V25X40SF 27,000 25x40 0.034 0.026 3.07 3.53 NRLRW273M10V30X30SF 30x30 0.034 0.026 2.95 3.39 NRLRW333M10V25X45SF 25x45 0.028 0.022 3.39 3.89 NRLRW333M10V30X35SF 33,000 30x35 0.028 0.022 3.33 3.82 NRLRW333M10V35X30SF 35x30 0.028 0.022 3.21 3.69 NRLRW393M10V30X40SF 30x40 0.024 0.018 3.70 4.25 39,000 NRLRW393M10V35X35SF 35x35 0.024 0.018 3.68 4.23 NRLRW473M10V30X45SF 30x45 0.020 0.015 4.22 4.85 47,000 NRLRW473M10V35X40SF 35x40 0.020 0.015 4.16 4.78 NRLRW563M10V35X45SF 56,000 35x45 0.017 0.013 5.00 5.75 NRLRW682M16V20X25SF 6,800 20x25 0.122 0.094 1.80 2.07 NRLRW822M16V20X30SF 20x30 0.102 0.078 2.08 2.39 8,200 NRLRW822M16V22X25SF 22x25 0.102 0.078 2.08 2.39 NRLRW103M16V20X35SF 20x35 0.083 0.064 2.15 2.47 10,000 NRLRW103M16V22X30SF 22x30 0.083 0.064 2.15 2.47 NRLRW123M16V20X40SF 20x40 0.070 0.054 2.31 2.65 NRLRW123M16V22X30SF 12,000 22x30 0.070 0.054 2.31 2.65 NRLRW123M16V25X25SF 25x25 0.070 0.054 2.31 2.65 NRLRW153M16V22X35SF 22x35 0.056 0.043 2.68 3.08 15,000 NRLRW153M16V25X30SF 25x30 0.056 0.043 2.68 3.08 NRLRW183M16V22X40SF 22x40 0.047 0.036 3.20 3.68 NRLRW183M16V25X30SF 18,000 25x30 0.047 0.036 3.20 3.68 NRLRW183M16V30X25SF 30x25 0.047 0.036 3.20 3.68 NRLRW223M16V22X45SF 22x45 0.038 0.029 3.36 3.86 NRLRW223M16V25X35SF 22,000 25x35 0.038 0.029 3.36 3.86 16 NRLRW223M16V30X30SF 30x30 0.038 0.029 3.36 3.86 NRLRW273M16V22X50SF 22x50 0.031 0.024 3.85 4.42 NRLRW273M16V25X40SF 27,000 25x40 0.031 0.024 3.85 4.42 NRLRW273M16V30X30SF 30x30 0.031 0.024 3.85 4.42 NRLRW333M16V25X45SF 25x45 0.026 0.020 4.30 4.94 NRLRW333M16V30X35SF 33,000 30x35 0.026 0.020 4.30 4.94 NRLRW333M16V35X30SF 35x30 0.026 0.020 4.30 4.94 NRLRW393M16V25X50SF 25x50 0.022 0.017 4.81 5.53 NRLRW393M16V30X40SF 39,000 30x40 0.022 0.017 4.81 5.53 NRLRW393M16V35X35SF 35x35 0.022 0.017 4.81 5.53 NRLRW473M16V30X45SF 30x45 0.018 0.014 5.53 6.35 47,000 NRLRW473M16V35X40SF 35x40 0.018 0.014 5.53 6.35 NRLRW563M16V30X50SF 30x50 0.015 0.012 6.00 6.90 56,000 NRLRW563M16V35X45SF 35x45 0.015 0.012 6.00 6.90 NRLRW683M16V35X50SF 68,000 35x50 0.013 0.010 6.40 7.36 NIC COMPONENTS CORP. www.niccomp.com www.lowESR.com www.RFpassives.com www.SMTmagnetics.com 2 SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE

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