CONDUCTIVE POLYMER ALUMINUM SOLID ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Standard 6.3, 8,10 /R RPS PA High voltage (to 63V), Low ESR, High ripple current. Load life of 2000 hours at 105C. SMD type : Lead free reflow soldering condition at 260C peak correspondence. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Lower ESR RPS RPA Specifications Item Performance Characteristics 55 to 105C 2.5 to 63V 8.2 to 1500F 20% at 120Hz, 20C Less than or equal to the specified value at 120Hz, 20C Tangent of loss angle (tan b ) ESR ( 1) Less than or equal to the specified value at 100kHz, 20C Leakage Current ( 2) Less than or equal to the specified value. After 2 minutes application of rated voltage at 20C Test condition 105C, rated voltage 2000Hrs. Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value before test Endurance tan b 150% or less than the initial specified value ESR( 1) 150% or less than the initial specified value Leakage current ( 2) Less than or equal to the initial specified value 1 ESR should be measured at both of the terminal ends closest where the terminals protrude through the plastic platform. 2 Conditioning : If any doubt arises, measure the leakage current after the voltage treatment of applying DC rated voltage continuously to the capacitor for 120 minutes at 105C. Dimensions 9ROWDJH (mm) Type numbering system (Example : 63V 56F) q D = L W H C R P Nichicon part number 6.3 = 5.7 6.5 6.5 7.2 0.5 to 0.9 2.1 = 8 6.7 8.3 8.3 9.0 0.8 to 1.1 3.2 5 3 6 - 0 & 1 * 6 8 = 11.7 8.3 8.3 9.0 0.8 to 1.1 3.2 D 7 10 = 7.7 10.3 10.3 11.0 0.8 to 1.1 4.6 = 10 12.4 10.3 10.3 11.0 0.8 to 1.1 4.6 ) Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current HS Frequency 120 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 300 kHz Coefficient 0.10 0.45 0.50 1.00 1.00 FPCAP part number D 7 ) 9 HS Dimension table in next page. 62 CAT.8100F 7 ROWDJH 9 &RQILJXUDWLRQ &DSDFLWDQFH &DSDFLWDQFH WROHUDQFH 6HULHV QDPH SLQJ FRGH &RQWURO FRGH 7 6HULHV QDPH 5DWHG YROWDJH 9 5DWHG FDSDFLWDQFH &DSDFLWDQFH WROHUDQFH &RQILJXUDWLRQ &RQWURO FRGH SLQJ FRGH 3URGXFW /RJR &DSDFLWDQFH /RW 1R CONDUCTIVE POLYMER ALUMINUM SOLID ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RPS / RPA Standard Ratings Leakage Rated Voltage Surge Rated Rated Ripple Case Size ESR (V) Voltage Capacitance tan b Current Current NICHICON FPCAP (m1 , 100kHz) q DL (mm) (code) (V) (F) (mArms) 811.7 0.12 4500 RPS0E681MCN1GS 2.5 680 425 13 FP-2R5ME681M-PSR 2.8 (0E 1012.4 0.12 938 5500 RPS0E152MCN1GS 1500 10 FP-2R5ME152M-PSR 100 6.35.7 0.12 80 35 2200 RPS0G101MCN1GS FP-4R0ME101M-PSR 220 86.7 0.12 176 30 2700 RPS0G221MCN1GS FP-4R0ME221M-PSR 330 86.7 0.12 264 30 2700 RPS0G331MCN1GS FP-4R0ME331M-PSR 470 107.7 0.12 376 22 3800 RPS0G471MCN1GS FP-4R0ME471M-PSR 4.0 4.6 (0G 560 811.7 0.12 448 13 4500 RPS0G561MCN1GS FP-4R0ME561M-PSR 560 811.7 0.12 448 9 5400 RPA0G561MCN1GS FP-4R0ME561M-PAR 680 107.7 0.12 544 22 3800 RPS0G681MCN1GS FP-4R0ME681M-PSR 1012.4 1200 0.12 960 12 5500 RPS0G122MCN1GS FP-4R0ME122M-PSR 6.35.7 82 0.12 103 35 2200 RPS0J820MCN1GS FP-6R3ME820M-PSR 86.7 RPS0J151MCN1GS 150 0.12 189 30 2600 FP-6R3ME151M-PSR 86.7 0.12 2600 RPS0J181MCN1GS 180 227 30 FP-6R3ME181M-PSR 107.7 0.12 416 3600 RPS0J331MCN1GS 330 22 FP-6R3ME331M-PSR 470 811.7 0.15 592 4300 RPS0J471MCN1GS 6.3 15 FP-6R3ME471M-PSR 7.2 (0J 470 107.7 0.12 592 18 4300 RPA0J471MCN1GS FP-6R3ME471M-PAR 560 811.7 0.15 706 14 4400 RPS0J561MCN1GS FP-6R3ME561M-PSR 680 1012.4 0.15 643 13 5200 RPS0J681MCN1GS FP-6R3ME681M-PSR 820 1012.4 0.15 775 12 5500 RPS0J821MCN1GS FP-6R3ME821M-PSR 1000 1012.4 0.15 945 12 5500 RPS0J102MCN1GS FP-6R3ME102M-PSR 47 6.35.7 0.12 94 40 2100 RPS1A470MCN1GS FP-010ME470M-PSR 6.35.7 56 0.12 112 40 2100 RPS1A560MCN1GS FP-010ME560M-PSR 86.7 120 0.12 240 30 2600 RPS1A121MCN1GS FP-010ME121M-PSR 10 11.5 107.7 RPS1A271MCN1GS 270 0.12 540 25 3500 FP-010ME271M-PSR (1A 811.7 RPS1A331MCN1GS 330 0.15 660 17 4000 FP-010ME331M-PSR 107.7 0.12 3600 RPA1A331MCN1GS 330 660 20 FP-010ME331M-PAR 560 1012.4 0.15 840 5300 RPS1A561MCN1GS 13 FP-010ME561M-PSR 33 6.35.7 0.10 211 40 1700 RPS1C330MCN1GS FP-016ME330M-PSR 39 6.35.7 0.10 125 45 2000 RPS1C390MCN1GS FP-016ME390M-PSR 39 6.35.7 0.10 125 24 2500 RPA1C390MCN1GS FP-016ME390M-PAR 56 86.7 0.10 179 40 2300 RPS1C560MCN1GS FP-016ME560M-PSR 82 86.7 0.10 262 40 2300 RPS1C820MCN1GS FP-016ME820M-PSR 100 107.7 0.10 320 30 3200 RPS1C101MCN1GS FP-016ME101M-PSR 150 107.7 0.10 480 30 3200 RPS1C151MCN1GS FP-016ME151M-PSR 811.7 180 0.12 576 20 3700 RPS1C181MCN1GS FP-016ME181M-PSR 16 18.4 (1C 107.7 180 0.12 576 20 3600 RPA1C181MCN1GS FP-016ME181M-PAR 811.7 RPS1C221MCN1GS 220 0.12 704 20 3700 FP-016ME221M-PSR 107.7 0.10 3450 RPA1C221MCN1GS 220 704 22 FP-016ME221M-PAR 811.7 0.12 864 4400 RPS1C271MCN1GS 270 14 FP-016ME271M-PSR 330 1012.4 0.12 792 16 4800 RPS1C331MCN1GS FP-016ME331M-PSR 470 1012.4 0.12 1504 9 6100 RPS1C471MCN1GS FP-016ME471M-PSR 820 1012.4 0.12 2640 18 4200 RPS1C821MCN1GS FP-016ME821M-PSR 1000 1012.4 0.12 3200 12 5400 RPS1C102MCN1GS FP-016ME102M-PSR 22 86.7 0.12 275 50 1800 RPS1E220MCN1GS FP-025ME220M-PSR 25 100 811.7 0.12 500 24 3320 RPS1E101MCN1GS FP-025ME101M-PSR 28.7 (1E 220 811.7 0.12 1100 18 4400 RPS1E221MCN1GS FP-025ME221M-PSR 1012.4 390 0.12 1950 16 4800 RPS1E391MCN1GS FP-025ME391M-PSR 35 40.2 150 1012.4 0.12 1050 28 2600 RPS1V151MCN1GS FP-035ME151M-PSR (1V) 6.35.7 RPS1H120MCN1GS 12 0.12 120 40 1250 FP-050ME120M-PSR 86.7 0.12 1550 RPS1H220MCN1GS 22 220 37 FP-050ME220M-PSR 33 107.7 0.12 330 1950 RPS1H330MCN1GS 32 FP-050ME330M-PSR 50 39 811.7 0.15 390 26 2300 RPS1H390MCN1GS 57.5 FP-050ME390M-PSR (1H 47 811.7 0.15 470 26 2300 RPS1H470MCN1GS FP-050ME470M-PSR 82 1012.4 0.15 820 23 2800 RPS1H820MCN1GS FP-050ME820M-PSR 8.2 6.35.7 0.12 103 41 1200 RPS1J8R2MCN1GS FP-063ME8R2M-PSR 12 86.7 0.12 151 38 1500 RPS1J120MCN1GS FP-063ME120M-PSR 63 72.5 22 107.7 0.12 277 33 1900 RPS1J220MCN1GS FP-063ME220M-PSR (1J 33 811.7 0.15 416 27 2250 RPS1J330MCN1GS FP-063ME330M-PSR 1012.4 56 0.15 706 24 2700 RPS1J560MCN1GS FP-063ME560M-PSR Taping specifications are given in page 28. Recommended land size, soldering by reflow are given in page 25. Please refer to page 3 for the minimum order quantity. 63 CAT.8100F