Designated client product This product will be discontinued its production in the near term. And it is provided for customers currently in use only, with a time limit. It can not be available for your new project. Please select other new or existing products. For more information, please contact our sales office in your region. New Japan Radio Co.,Ltd. NJM311 VOLTAGE COMPARATOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJM311 is a voltage comparator that has low input currents. It is also designed to operate covering a wider range of supply voltages from Standard 15V op amp supplies down to the single 5V supply used for IC logic. Its output is compatible with RTL,DTL and TTL as well as MOS circuits. Furthermore, it can drive lamps or relays, switching voltages up to 40V at NJM311D NJM311M currents as high as 50mA. Offset balancing is provided, and the outputs can be OR wired. FEATURES Operating Voltage ( +5V~+36V ) Single Supply Operation Single Circuit With V Trim Terminal IO Response Time ( 200ns typ. ) Package Outline DIP8,DMP8 Bipolar Technology PIN CONFIGURATION PIN FUNCTION 1. GND 2. +INPUT 3. -INPUT - 4. V 5. BAL 6. BAL/STROBE NJM311D 7. OUTPUT + NJM311M 8. V EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Ver.2003-03-18 -1-