Designated client product This product will be discontinued its production in the near term. And it is provided for customers currently in use only, with a time limit. It can not be available for your new project. Please select other new or existing products. For more information, please contact our sales office in your region. New Japan Radio Co.,Ltd. NJM723 PRECISION VOLTAGE REGULATOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION PACKAGE OUTLINE The NJM723 is a Precision Monolithic Voltage Regulator. The device consists of a temperature-compensated Voltage reference, error amplefier, power-series pass transistor and current-limit circuitry. Additional NPN or PNP pass elements may be used when output currents exceeding 150mA are required. In addition to the above, the device features low standby current drain, low temperature drift and NJM723D NJM723M high ripple rejection. The NJM723 is intended for use with positive or negative supplies as a series, shunt, switching of floating instrument power supplies, and other power supplies for digital and linear circuits. NJM723V FEATURES Operating Voltage (12V to 40V) 150mA output current without external pass transistor Output currents in excess of 10A posible by adding external Input voltage 40V max Output voltage adjustable from 2V to 37V Can be used as elther a linear or a switching regulator. Package Outline DIP14, DMP14, SSOP14 Bipolar Technology PIN CONFIGURATION NJM723D NJM723M NJM723V EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Ver.2003-07-18 -1-