The NAU88C22YG is an audio decoding/encoding Codec ICs that is manufactured by Nuvoton. It is designed with QFN-32_5x5x05P RoHS technology and has a total of 32-pins in a 5mm x 5mm package. It has sampling frequencies of 8 kHz to384 kHz, supports multiple audio formats including I2S, L/R, PCM, and TDM, and has integrated stereo headphone driver and Class-D amplifier. The NAU88C22YG has features like dynamic range control, signal-to-noise ratio of 98 dB and a total harmonic distortion of 85dB. It supports I2C, Serial Digital Audio Input/Output (S/PDIF), I/O internal Memory, and various GPIOs. The NAU88C22YG is designed to reduce power consumption while also producing high-quality audio in mobile applications.