AN11308 Quick Start Up Guide PNEV512B Board Rev. 1.8 1 December 2014 A p pl icat ion no te 255018 COMPANY PUBLIC Document information Info Content Keywords PN512, Blueboard, LPCXpresso, MCU, Code Red, eclipse, LPC1769, LPC1227, NFC Reader Library, PNEV512B Abstract This application note is related to the installation procedures of the PNEV512B Board. It describes the actions to be done to become acquainted with the demo reader AN11308 NXP Semiconductors PNEV512B Quick Startup Guide Revision history Rev Date Description 1.8 20141201 Added a note about RAM limitation of LPC1227 in section 5.3 1.7 20140721 Small corrections 1.6 20140519 Removed the note about the version of the LPCXpresso IDE. Some small corrections. Changed the description and pictures of the projects Polling and, Classic Changed the P2P description due to a software update. Removed the description about the projects Ultralight and DESFire. All projects are now based on the NFC Reader Library version 3.010. Therefore all projects have been refactored. Added support for the development board LPCXpresso LPC1769 which is based on an ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller. The NFC Reader Library is now called NFC Reader Library 1.5 20140114 Added description for Card Emulation T4T and T2T. 1.4 20131011 Added info about what version of the LPCXpresso IDE to use. 1.3 20130613 Added description about the P2P Snep Client 1.2 20130221 Added description of the P2P project. Added information about the use of the projects in conjunction with the LPC1227 MCU. Added information about the documentation of the NFC Reader Library. Added information about the exemplary project of code size optimization of the NFC Reader Library. Red circles of some figures corrected 1.1 20130108 1.0 20121217 First release Contact information For more information, please visit: